Yes I've finnaly gotten bored enough to make page on elementals. Now mind you that you may have totaly diffrent perception of elementals. So just go with whatever floats your boat. Also, keep in mind that these elementals are only of the Sakouren Clan. There are around 50 million or so diffrent clans of elementals, along with the more common indepndent elementals. Each clan can be distinguished through diffrent traits. Some may have a tatoo on themselves that they are born with. Others, as in the Sakouren, may have hair and eye color traits that set them apart from other clans. Independent elementals have none of these traits, but do commonly have a distingueshed soild hair color for their set type of element.(for example, independant fire elementals commonly have red, yellow, or orange hair.)
Water Elementals
Element(s) they use: Water (gee ya think?), ice, mist, and things of that nature
Hair color: White with any shade of blue in it
Eye color: The exact same shade of blue as the streaks in their hair
Rareity: Extreamly common
Personality: Usualy kind, but are easyly annoyed by everything. They will either adore or hate a child depending on what child it is. They are comonly a bit cold hearted at times, but are big on family. However, they can become seperate from their family due to their extream independance. They are usualy excllent healers.
Children: Water elementals
Opposite element: Electricity
Fire Elementals
Element(s) they use: Fire (who woulda thunk it?) and lava are basicly it.
Hair color: White and any shade of red streaks. The streaks might also be anywhere from a dark orange to a dark yellow.(the yellow color is always very dull and very dark so as not to be confused with the electric elementals)
Eye color: The same shade as the red/orange/yellow streaks in their hair
Rareity: Extreamly common
Personality: Outspoken, loud, and quick tempered. They become bored extreamily easyoly and then begin to burn anything, or anyone, in sight. They aren't usualy the brightest elementals, but are usualy just slow to think of answers. They tend to be quite romanic and are very good in the love department. They tend to be excellent kissers.
Children: No matter what other species they mate with the child will be a fire elemental
Opposite element(s): Water
Tera(earth) elementals
Element(s) they use: If it is in the ground in any way they controle it. Anything like dirt, rocks, sand, plants, ect.
Hair color: White with varying shades of green
Eye color: Whatever shade of green the streaks in their hair.
Rareity: Fairly common
Personality: Overly loving and affectionate. They tend to care so much about their children that if anything happens to them they lose it and go crazy, permantly. If they do happen to go sain many will have long periods of being sain between being psychotic. Most can also be quite normal and generaly feel no sence of shame, embaresment, honor, or pride. Many female Tera elementals, for that reason, become prostitutes.(which is why Ablica's, Kippy's, Dalion's, and Alistica's, Mom isn't even sure if all of them are half-siblings or not)
Children: Children can be of any element. Since tera elmentals can have children of any element they are the one type of elemental that can breed with any other type of elemental.
Opposite element(s): Water and Fire
Wind Elementals
Element(s): Winds, huricanes, ect
Hair Color: White with very dark to very light grey streaks.
Eye COlor: Same color as the grey streaks in their hair
Rarity: Not too common
Personality: They're very mellow people most of the time. They're normaly so boring and dull that they go unnoticed. However, when they are sick of not being noticed they will flares up and wreak havoic wherever they please. This is another reason they're commonly bread out of the system.
Children: If a wind elemental has a child with another species it will be both wind elemental and whatever else it is. If it has a child with another elemental, it can be either one.
Opoosite element: Tera
Electric Elementals
Elements: electricity. basicly, lightning
Hair color: White w/ blazing yellow streaks in it
Eye color: Same as the yellow streaks in the hair
Rareity: Extremly uncommon
Personality: Witty and rude. They are very lovely and their beauty is mearly a cove-up for their demonic sort of nature. They greatly enjoy terrorizing people and making a show of themselves. They usualy do not know when to shut-up. Due to their love of tourtuing people this type o elemental is usualy either killed by its own clan when it is still an infant or is made so it cannot produce any ofspring.
Children: It is rare for an electric elemental to be alowed to have any children, but if they do they child will be totaly electric elemental no matter what other speices it breeds with.
Opposite element: Water. It causes their electricity to overpower and causes them to black-out
All Elementals
Elements: All of them
Hair color: Female all elementals have white hair with pink streaks and male all elementals have white hair with black streaks.
Eye color: Pink for females, black for males
Rareity: Slightly more uncommon than electric elementals.
Personality: Most all elementals are extreamly rude. Their personalitis vary from one person to another, depending on their mood. They take alot of all the bad qualities form the other types of elementals. They are generaly not the best of parents, and a re horrible to deal with as children. They can become depresed easyly at an early age, and man may kill themselves before they reach an age to have any children.
Children: All elementals. Even if they breed with another element they will have an all elemental.
Opposite element(s): Blood. If touched by the bood on another person their skin will turna grey color and painfully kill them for the inside out.