This document provides the information you need to succesfully enable the features Operation Flashpoint offers concerning Squad affiliation and its options.
First of all make sure you have the following things :
If you´re lacking of anything above, then go and get it.
The game itself should be available at your local software dealer.
Webspace can be obtained by many many providers like
QuickSquad is available for download from or
The VB6 runtime libraries come with many programs like this one.
If you need them, grab them here
I assume you have Operation-Flashpoint installed and know the username/password combination your webspace provider told you via e-Mail.
Simply extract the content of (filename may differ) to a folder of your choice.
Quicksquad allows you to easily edit the files that are responsible for the in-game squad-management like squad info, member info and team logos. Furthermore since Version 1.1 Quicksquad allows you to upload those files via FTP directly from the program itself.
You should find the following files/folders after unzipping (Version 1.1a)
If you plan to edit/manage multiple squads you may want to copy the following files to separate directories so you (and QuickSquad) can distinguish them :
squad.xml, squad.dtd, squad.xsl and logo.jpg
Operation Flashpoint recognizes players from their CD-Key which is in-game
represented as Player ID in the Edit Player dialog.
Since the CD-Key should be unique the corresponding player ID is also unique.
What you need to do is to collect the Player ID's from all of your squadmembers
alongside with their nickname and further information.
Next you might want to edit the logo.jpg to fit your taste, although you can
create any logo you want on your own.
Simply fire up any picture editor (except MS Paint) you want and create an
uncompressed, 8-bit JPEG file with edges that conform to a 2^n formula.
(i.e. edge-lengths of 2,4,8,16,32,64,128...)
I´m not sure about the maximum size of those logos, if anyone encounters
trouble please get back to a square logo of 64x64 or 128x128 pixels.
Quicksquad offers you some easy editing of the squad.xml.
It´s usage is rather self-explanatory and tooltips are available over any
But there are some things that make Operation Flashpoint behave strange:
You should easily be able to create the squad.xml without further help.
If you want to use the internal FTP-feature then follow these steps:
If you meet these requirements the hit the Upload button and a simple dialog will ask you for some things.
After uploading the files to your server you might check you squad page with any up-to-date browser of your choice.
Simply enter the URL of your squad.xml into the browsers address line. (e.g.
You should see an overview of your squad and it's members.
If everything went well until now, then you and your squad members only need a quick tweak.
Fire up Operation Flashpoint, open the Edit Player dialog and enter the Squad URL in the bottom right corner.
Make sure to have the prefix http:// in front of the URL.
To check whether Operation Flashpoint is able to access and understand youre squad.xml it´s necessary
to host a LAN game and start a MP mission with vehicles (NATO vs. USSR for example).
You should already be able to see a clantag right next to your name in the pool window.
Make sure to be connected to the internet and mount a vehicle as driver.
Now you should be able to see your logo and some text.
In the following there are just a few Q´s and answers listed. Maybe i will extend this section .. maybe .. ;o)
Q: The little man inside my computer tells me there´s a dll-file missing.
A: Re-Read the Installation-Section of this document concerning the VB6 runtime dll´s
Q: The little man inside my computer tells me there&acaute;s an ocx-file missing.
A: Re-Read the Installation-Section and check your version of Quicksquad.
Q: Somehow Quicksquad can't connect to the remote host.
A: Check your username and password. Maybe you´re behind a sort of proxy/router/firewall.
Ask your admin for help. Quicksquad needs a full internet connection.
Q: If i enter the squad-URL into my browser i get an error : The requested object couldn't be found.
A: You almost certainly forgot to move the squad.dtd and squad.xsl into your upload directory.
Copy them from the base directory to the directory where your customized squad.xml resides and restart the upload.
Q: I can access the squad.xml in my internet browser, but Operation Flashpoint doesn't use it.
A: That´s the most common error with even more reasons. Try these :
Q: Operation Flashpoint show the Squad-Tag besides my name and the txt on the vehicles but not the logo.
A: Re-Read the Preliminary measures section of this document concerning the logo format.
Q: Operation Flashpoint show the Squad-Tag besides my name, but crashes as soon as i mount a vehicle
A: Check your Squad-URL and logo file something is most likely corrupt.
Q: Which key is by default assigned to spray logo (I really received this question !!)
A: Hell, this isn´t Half-Life !
If you want to contact me, drop me (Beatb0x) a PM at
Don't ask for an e-Mail-Adress, PM is going to be the way.
The software is completely free for personal use, as long this readme.txt
keeps attached to the software itself.
Though redistribution of this software for any business use on any media (like magazine CD-ROMs)
or offering the software for download requires my consent.
The software is provided as is, so neither do i take any responsibility for any
harm to you, your system, your installation or your salami pizza nor do i
promise this software works on your system.
Operation FlashpointTM - Cold War Crisis
was Developed by Bohemia Interactive
and published by Codemasters.
Operation FlashpointTM - Cold War Crisis is a product and trademark of Codemasters®.
Codemasters® is a registered trademark of The Codemasters Software Company Limited.
All other copyrights or trademarks are the property of their respective owners.