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The big day
The shop
Sample Drawings
Buidling - The tail
Building - The wing
Building - Inserting the tail boom in the fuselage
Building - She spreads her wings!
Building - On the mains, wings spread, engine in place! (updated 6/15/03)
Building - The covering process begins! (updated 7/13/03)
Building - ...covering...covering...and covering, tail and fuselage left to go (updated 8/25/03)
The Chromoly Christmas Tree! (updated 12/18/03)
Meet my girlfriend (updated 12/18/03)
Updates for 2004 - Time has not been wasted over the winter
Router table (updated 5/18/04)
R/C electric biplane (updated 5/18/04)
Meet my fiancée and my airplane completion budget (Did you think I spent all my time and money in the shop?) (updated 5/18/04)
Updates for 2005
Covering...covering...and covering - The Rudder, Ailerons, and Fuselage (updated 2/16/05)
Painting begins - Tail surfaces(updated 2/16/05)
Winter Project - Computer work station(updated 2/16/05)