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A Very Special Christmas Tree

You are probably wondering where I've been the last few months. Has he flown yet? Did he crash and burn? Don't worry. I'm still alive. The covering process turned out to take a lot longer than expected. As winter neared, it became evident that I would not have enough time to finish covering the plane and finish the painting process before cold weather set in. Though I'm working in a garage, the painting process requires a lot of fresh air to keep fumes from building up while spraying. I have no way to bring the required amount of warm air into the garage in the winter time.

I've brought the plane inside the living room and spare bedroom for the winter. I still have the ailerons and fuselage cage to cover. At this point it looks like painting will start in early May 2004. My new target date for completion is by the end of July.

Until then, my fuselage cage is serving as the handsome Christmas tree you see below. Who said an airplane fuselage couldn't be a decorator item? My girlfriend likes it.

The Chromoly Christmas Tree. The idea came to me when my sister asked me if I had a Christmas tree in my apartment. My response was "of course not." It's hard to get in the spirit of decorating when you're a guy. Then it hit me. I really did have a Christmas tree in my apartment. It just needed a little help. I think it looks great.