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As I have stated many, many times before, there are not enough fictions that had Admetus in it. I'm here to help you, the writer and Admetus fan, get an idea for a best selling, award winning peice of fan fiction! If you take an idea, please email me.


-Munkustrap is jealous of the time Admetus and Demeter have been spending. Is there a secrect romance budding or is there something more?

-All the girls start getting romantic letters from an unkown source. Can you guess who it is?

-Admetus is madly in love with the fair Exotica but she doesn't noticed him! What can he do to make his love known?

-Admetus does the mating dance with Vicky instead of Plato. Run with it.

-Admetus is helping Plato (or any other tom) get the queen of his dreams. However, the queen slowly starts falling for Admetus!

-Admetus is shy and wants Tugger to get him a date with a certain queen. Work with it.

-Admetus is working for Macavity as a double agent but he starts falling in love with one the Jellicle queens. Will true love over come evil?

-Jellylorum and Jennyany Dots set up Admetus up with Cassandra.

-Griddlebone is working for Macavity and is sent to kill Rumpus Cat. Slowly, she realizes she loves him.

-Admetus loves a certain queen and the queen loves him back. The problem: they both don't know it.


-Admetus gets stuck babysitting the kittens.

-Admetus finds out he has a fan club.

-One of the toms steal Admetus' faveorite toy and he goes out seeking revenge.

-Admetus is indeed the Great Rumpus Cat with a big fan club. Run with it.

-A day in the life of Rumpus Cat. Being a superhero isn't all it's cracked up to be.

-Write a whole fan fic where the kittens try and find out who the Great Rumpus Cat is and fail.


-Rumpus Cat looses it and kills an innocent Jellicle. Macavity witnesses and the story centers around the two of them; Rumpus is questioning himself while Macavity tries to convice hero that he's nothing but a murderer.

-Admetus witness the murder of Jellicle and starts thinking he's not a real tom because he's too weak.

-Admetus starts falling in love with a tom and thinks that their is something wrong with him.

