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Now you know that there are Admetus fan girls out there but what you don't know that when it comes to CATS pairings, Admetus can be paired up with any queen! Look below and you'll find reasons why. You may also find reasons why it would make an interesting fan fic.


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First up, that red, furry bombshell!

Bombalurina is not only a lovely queen but she's very flirtaous. She knows the toms want her and she uses this to her advantage. She's interested in Tugger but they aren't exactly in a relationship.

Now Admetus as you can tell is a sweet tom and wouldn't go behind her back. Not to mention he would treat her like the one hundred dollar lady she really is. Most girls like Bomba want a tom that will respect her and treat her right. Not to mention, how can you resist the Admetus cuteness?

On another note, aren't you just sick and tired of all those Tugger and Bombalurina's fan fics? Please! It's been done so many times and many of them are down right horrible! However, I have yet to see a fan fic about Bombalurina and Admetus. Need a new paring? Look no further!


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Cassandra is one classy lady. Just like Bomba at the top she knows this as well and at the same time she flaunts. As much as I enjoy an Alonzo/Cassandra it does get boring every once in a while.

If you haven't noticed (I hope you have) Admetus does dance with her during the Jellicle Ball. Cassandra doesn't even seem to mind! Plus as I stated before Admetus knows how to treat a lady. He knows Cassandra is a high class queen and he would treat her like one too.

As for me, I'm very fond of this pairing. If you haven't notice, this is a somewhat popular pairing among Admetus fandom. The reason it works because it's easy to see their interaction during the Ball. Sure, they shared one dance but Cassandra let Admetus dance with her. That means soemthing right?


Free Image Hosting at Now most of the time I see these two as brother and sister yet they do make a very cute couple. We know that Etcetera is crazy for Tugger but we also know that she's just a kitten. She'll most likely grow out of her crush over time.

As she's hyper Admetus is down to Earth. Like ying and yang, these two balance each other out. Etcetera needs someone to help her calm down and Admetus needs someone to bring out his hyper side. At the same time Etcetera needs someone who will cherish her. Admetus is that tom.

Admetus is also very protective. He protects Etcetera during the first Macavity scare and he runs after her to make sure she's alright. They also are together during the Mating Dance. I think this shows that Etcetera longs for Admetus' attention and he'll gladly give it too her. Not to mention how can't you love these two together?


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The female part of the notorious duo Rumpelteazer is a very fun girl. She's easy to love and at the same time knows how to have a great time. The MJ/RT is cute but highly overdone.

Just like Etcetera, Rumpel needs that tom that can calm her down and at the same time keep her out of trouble. Admetus is that kind of tom unlike Mungo who is Rumpel's equal personality wise. Rumpel needs a lover who can keep her safe and at the same time love her for who she is.

Now I know there are many fans of Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer. I have this to say: the plot has been done too many times! It's one of those plots that just don't bring a crowd anymore. If Rumpelteazer is your faveorite queen then write a fan fic about her. But if you want to do something new with her, let Admetus be her lover/object of affection/mate.


Free Image Hosting at Tantomile is one of those lesser known queens who really needs a tom (beside her twin) in her life. Tantomile doesn't show much intrest in any of the toms (except for Tugger) throughout the musical. Yet at the same time Admetus is lesser known and also very friendly. Tantomile is a very friendly queen but seems to have trouble opening up. Also, Coricopat is protective of his sister and I can tell that he trusts Admetus. Tantomile needs a tom that isn't only friendly but also is willing to help her open up. Coricopat wouldn't want his sister to fall for just any tom neither. He'd want his sister to have a mate that both of them can trust.


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Demeter has had it rough. How that tom (who shall go unnamed!) could do something horrible to this sweet queen is beyond me!

Demeter is usally paired with Munkustrap and as much as they make a good couple it's over done a great deal. Even though he isn't the Jellicle leader, Admetus is strong. You can tell by looking at him. Not to mention he played Rumpus Cat. (That counts for something.) Dem needs a strong yet kind tom who's willing to love her and look after her. Lets see that unnamed tom try and take her now!


Free Image Hosting at I have found that Admetus/Jemima pairings are acutally quiet common and very quiet when well done. Thank you to the people who have gotten with the program; Jemima pairings have become too friggen generic! Jemima is rather silent except when she sings and Admetus is silent as well. Both are sweet, caring and loveable. Perfect couple right here!


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Everyone's faveorite lesser known swing kitten! Electra doesn't seem to have much of a part but she's loved anyways. She's very shy and hardly noticed just like Admetus.

Now do not believe what you have heard to:Admteus is not shy. In fact he's friendly and somewhat popular among the male toms. Electra is that kind of girl who needs a sweet, gentle and quiet tom that can help her come out of her shell. Admetus is quiet but he's also willing to help Electra be more socialable.


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Victoria is hardly seen with Admetus in the video. However in some productions Admetus is the one who dances with Victoria in the mating dance. This proves they have at least some history together. Like Electra, Victoria is very shy and very quiet. Not only is she graceful but she's very special because she's the only pure white cat among the Jellicles. Admetus would not only help her come out but he's also willing to appreciate her beauty and grace.


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Sleek, mysterious, entertaning and down right sexy. All these words and more make up the Jellicle that is Exotica. Like Admetus she is an underappreciated cat. Exotica has this air of mystery around her and in ways she's very similar to Admetus. Both don't say much, they hardly get any spotlight, little is known about them and they are both very interesting. I mean how many fan fics are there with Admetus/Exotica? They would make a great couple!


Yes, even Growltiger's leading lady can be paired up with Admetus. Now Griddlebone is a very interesting charecter and there is some debate about if she is evil or not.

Now, Admetus is said to be the alter ego of the Great Rumps Cat. If you think she's evil and working for Macavity, her relationship with Admetus/Rumpus could a type of seduction tale. If you believe she's of pure intentions, then she could be flirting with RC and at the same time be flirting with danger. No matter how you look at it these two would make an interesting couple.


Jellylorum is usally portrayed as young queen but in the video she is around Jenny's age. In hte movie I believe that Admetus is the oldest son of Jelly and Asparagus (the younger one) yet I have seen Jelly acting a bit more than motherly towards Admetus.

Now when it comes to the younger Jellylorum she can easyliy have a relationship with Admetus. It's an interesting idea to say the least. Jellylorum is a vey mature and pratical queen while Admetus is fun-loving and caring. They make a very cute couple.


Andl ast but certianly not least, everyone's faveorite Gumbie Cat Jennyanydots!

What? You don't think Jenny is sexy enough for the role of Admetus' lover? Guess again!

Jenny is a queen you can't help but love. She's funny, smart, loving and very well organized. She also doesn't take anything from anyone! She runs a tight ship and knows how to handle trouble makers. She the ideal mate to have becuase not only is she pretty and loving but she's strong in her own way and she's a wonderful cook! That's a plus isn't it?

I've seen some instances where Admetus shows affection towards Jenny (Skimbleshanks wasn't watching at these moments) and I must admit they make a rather adorable couple. Who are we to say that Jenny and Admetus haven't been an item in a past life? Really, we have no right to say and at the same time it's an interesting couple. Play around with this pairing and see what you can do.
