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What? Not only Admetus be paired up with any queen but he love any tom too! Don't believe me? You soon will!


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Munkustrap is a very likeable charecter. He's the brave, strong Jellicle protecter. Not to mention he's pretty cute. It's really hard not to like him. He's really friendly with Admetus as you can see during the Jellicle Ball and Skimbleshanks. This proves that they are friends and know each other very well.

Now Munkustrap is really a charecter that can go with anyone but he's usally paired up with Demeter. But since he's such a great, caring guy he can really go with anyone including our beloved Admetus. Munkustrap seems uptight at times and needs someone who can help him unwind and show him how to relax. Not only that but he needs someone who will love him for him.

Rum Tum Tugger

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Yes, even the stud himself.Tugger is sexy. You look it up in the dictionary and you will find his picture right there. All the queens love him and many of the young toms envy him. No one can resist him; not even me! (And that is saying alot.)

Tugger is very popular when it comes to slash pairings. He's been paired with Munkustrap, Alonzo, Mistoffeeless (on a daily basis) and even Macavity. Tugger's sex appeal bascially appeals to everyone including toms! Now with Tugger you don't know if he'll settle down or just go through lovers like toothpicks. However, it does it get annyoing to read a fan fic where Tugger is nothing but a sex crazed freak. Neither way, Admetus is very close with Tugger. They might have even been past lovers! You really can't go wrong with a Tugger/Admetus pairing. They have alot in common once you think about it;both are good looking, funny, loveable and very good dancers.

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Another faveorite when it comes to the wonderful world of slash. Wether he be black and white or golden and black, Alonzo is a big hit when it comes to slash pairings. Most the time he is paired off with Tugger or Mistoffelees. I ask why not Admetus? Just like Tugger, Admetus and Alonzo are close. They do alot of dancing together during the Jellcile Ball. Not only that but they are both protective types. No matter what happens one will always have the others back. It's the perfect romance story!


As much as I love Mistoffelees I get tired of seeing him in a slash pairing. We know he's sexy and all but he needs some rest! Mainly, he's paired with Tugger and sometimes Alonzo or Munkustrap. I never once seen him with Admetus which slightly annoys me.

Now with Admetus this can be a very interesting pairing. You have the quiet (and sometimes shy) Admetus and the magical cat formerly known as Quaxo. Both are friendly so there would be no disliking. Now since Mistoffelees is small he needs some to protecter him. We know he always has his magic but it can't always help him. With Admetus, he can have a lover who's strong, protective, loveable and very caring.

Another reason to go with an Admetus/Mistoffelees pairing; it's different! Mistoffelees is popular among the CATS fandom, there is no doubt about that. He has also starred in many, many, many slash fan fictions. Sadly, most of them have:

A. A cliche plot

B. A cliche pairing (Ex. Tugger/Mistofflees)

C. No plot and centers around mindless sex.

D. All of the above.

Now, if you're a Mistoffelees fangirl, you need to stop and think for a second. Are you tired of the same old slash plot and are dying for something new? Well, you don't have to wait! You can be the one to create a well-written Admetus/Mistoffelees fan fiction!


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(I just know I'm going to get letters about this one!)

Mungojerrie; he's the other half of the notorious due. Mungo is usally paired with Rumpelteazer. Now, there are arguements to their realtionship but at the same time it gets very old reading about them.

Now it's said that you can't tell who Mungojerrie's friends are. It's been made clear that he's friends with Admetus because they danced with Tugger during the Ball. Now Mungo is alot like Rumpel; loveable but always getting into trouble. Mungo needs that person who can tell him enough is enough. He won't listen at first but sooner or later, he'll see the errors of his ways. Admetus of course is that person. Not only will he tell Mungojerrie to be careful but Admetus also will be there to make Mungo laugh. You don't think a guy like him would make those funny faces and not know a few good jokes!


Plato hardly shows up in slash pairings. If he has been I haven't read it.

Most of the time, I think that Plato and Admetu are brothers but I'll make an exception in this case.

Plato is rather silent but he's still a very well liked charecter. Seeing him Admetus really isn't that hard. In fact they seem somewhat close. They dance during Tugger's song and the Ball so who's to say what their friendship is like. Plus, there are alot who question Plato's sexual preference and at the same time many who think he has a thing for a certain white cat. Can you say love triangle?


Is there some reason Coricopat is hardly in any slash fics? I mean he does have appeal!

Coricopat and Admetus are slightly similar; very quiet, very mysterious and both are very good looking. I've noticed that Coricopat acutally spends alot of time with Admetus during the Jellicle Ball. I think this prooves they have a strong friendship so they could have a very strong romance as well.

As I mentioned before, there aren't many slash stories where Coricopat is apart of the couple. The idea is new and open for grabs. It would take someone who was very good at writing to do this pairing but if done correctly it would make a perfect story.


I have only seen on fan fic with Pouncival and another tom. It was rather decent, somewhat interesting and rather cute.

I have said this many times but I shall say it once more: Admetus can go with anyone! It's also no secrect that just about everyone other slash CATS fan fic out there is about Mistoffelees and Tugger! It has been done so many times it's not even funny anymore! However, like Plato, I usually see Pouncival as Admetus' little brother.

All I can say is try this pairing out. It would be something new and different in the world of slash.


How can you not love Tumblebrutus? Everyone loves Tumble! He's too cute not to love!

I think Tumble is the only kitten that I can't see being related to Admetus. I really don't know why! It's just weird for some reason. He could be somehow. I don't know.

You see Tumblebrutus in a couple slash pairings. They are usually different and very well written. Admetus and Tumble seem like a good pair. I bet they would make a cute couple.



Belive it or not, this is one of my faveorite pairings. Skimbleshanks is a tom loved by all and its pretty hard not to admire him. During his song, Admetus watches him the whole entire time until the end when he leaves.

Now Skimble works very well when it comes to slash pairings and so does Admetus. Put the two of them together and you have a really, really interesting story with loads of conflict.
