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Quote: "Freedom is the right of all sentient beings."

OPTIMUS PRIME is the leader of the AUTOBOTS and a powerful force of goodness, courage and wisdom in the battle against the evil DECEPTICONS. He comes to the aid of all living creatures whose freedom is threatened. He first tries to find peaceful solutions to conflicts, but when battle lines are drawn, he becomes a fierce warrior capable of overpowering vast enemy forces to achieve his goal. Will OPTIMUS PRIME succeed in his heroic and life-saving mission to get the MINI-CONS before MEGATRON can capture them?

Mini-con AUTOBOT
Quote: "Well let's go!"

Hot Shot is a young, heroic fighter who rushes into danger without regard to his own safety. He courageously charges into the middle of the fight to aid his friends in battle. He has taken charge in several battles, showing great leadership potential. But he needs the guidance of his elders before he can hope to lead the AUTOBOTS. Will he learn to be a leader who strives for good, or will his reckless nature ruin his promising future?


Quote: "All life is precious."

RED ALERT is a valued doctor and science officer who has saved the lives of many AUTOBOTS. His quest to save lives has led him to find new ways to repair damaged circuitry. He has risked his life many times to retrieve wounded comrades during battles. An old friend of OPTIMUS PRIME, RED ALERT was once a fierce and heroic fighter, until he was seriously wounded in battle and saw the preciousness of all life. But will this new battle reawaken his warrior's heart?


Quote: "I will protect you."

LASERBEAK is a protective companion for the Earth kids who become involved in the battle between the TRANSFORMERS. Given to the children by OPTIMUS PRIME, LASERBEAK records information in his spy bird mode and can launch fireblasts in his stun weapon mode. He is always alert to his surroundings, scanning for threats. What will LASERBEAK discover during his spy missions that will help the AUTOBOTS defeat the evil plans of the DECEPTICONS?