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Quote: "My power is your doom!"

MEGATRON commands the DECEPTICONS by being the strongest and most terrifying warrior of them all. He can use his massive firepower for maximum devastation, enabling him to level a battlefield to the ground. There can be only one ruler of the universe, and MEGATRON intends to be that ruler. He will not stop until he has the MINI-CONS because they will give him unimaginable abilities and power. Will he achieve his goal to become ruler and destroy the Earth in his quest to posses the MINI-CONS?

Quote: "My destiny is leadership."

STARSCREAM uses his speed and maneuverability as a jet to launch aerial attacks on the AUTOBOTS. No one can compete with him when it comes to speed and skill in the air. He slices through the sky, chasing the enemy and even endangering any DECEPTICON that gets in his way. As the second in command, he pretends to be loyal to MEGATRON, but is always looking for an opportunity to weaken his leader's rule and take control of the DECEPTICONS.


Quote: "Out of my way! Attack!"

CYCLONUS is so reckless that even his own DECEPTICON allies are afraid of him. While performing aerial attacks, he may suddenly fly off to attack a lone AUTOBOT, leaving his companions unprotected. MEGATRON likes to let him loose because he's so dangerous in battle, but he has trouble stopping him once he gets started. Will CYCLONUS ever learn to control his savage recklessness?