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It's all about me  

Welcome to my site


The Supa Hero

I am "Supa Steve". I am called this by my friends because i am a Super Hero, like "n!pple tweak boy" but better cos i can talk like master Yoda. "Sound wise i do, yyeeesssss".

However my undies stay on the inside and tights aren't my thing.

With my powers i can do many things, but the 3 main ones are;

1)I can threaten to kick someones arse so hard I can twinkle my toes out of there mouth

2) I can insult people so bad they may even cry.... of laughter, haha.

3)Plus the greatest of my powers, i win every arguement ( well at least in my head).

The Normal Guy
Well actually in real life i am just a normal guy. Nah not really, my friends say i am abit escentric or weird but it is something that i am very proud of... my weirdness that is.

I have also achieved something that few other people could do or fully comprehend. To know what it is you will have to look through my site but i will give you a hint; "more people will climb Mt Everest in 1 year than New Zealanders will come close to achieving this", puts in prespective doesn't it!

In these pages you see my most favorite things, here is a short list of them;

1) My Daughter; Hannah

2) Taekwondo

3) My Cat

4) Star Wars

5) Chocolate

6) Computers

7) My friends (my friends mean so much to me)

Please enjoy your visit :-)


Supa Steve

the Supa hero wears his normal work clothes.
See More About Me >

Taekwondo Rocks
See More About Taekwondo >

Hannah bike
1 of the most Beautiful girls in the whole world.
See More About Hannah >

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