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The ~*~Dream Catchers~*~ Guild!

Guild Rules

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~*~Dreamers Weekly~*~




Whoo Contests!

Yay! Contests!! We all love a little extra neopoints in our accounts right?? Well, here's your chance with some of these great contests! Submit your answers to shadowcat852 when you think you've figured it out!

1)Jumbled Word Contest- unscrammble the words for a codestone of YOUR choice! This week's is:
urgonds' gmy
Hint: Get it Shape Playing This Game! !

2) Top Three Donators Contest!-Be one of the top three donaters to the guild donation shop and win a surprise prize!!

3) Mystery Pic-If you can figure out what this thing before everyone else you could be the brand new owner of a faerie of your choice!

4) Referral contests!- This is a very easy contest to get a prize in and anyone can win it even if someone has gotten it before you! If you get 5 people to prove that you reffered them and got them to join the guild, you will be awarded a bottled faerie of your choice! Get 10 people to join and its a codestone of your choice! Happy recruiting!