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Christian HC
Face Covering
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Muslim HC
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Thursday, 2 November 2006
So Maybe Covering is about Being Modest
Topic: Modesty
It seems that the veil raises the question of modesty. Especially in response to the Imam's comments about uncovered women inciting men (consciously or not) to do things they shouldn't. Read here about the Australian Christian ministers, who had to actually explain to people that Christiany also expects men and women to dress modestly.

And this Texas Christian student, trying to find something to wear to dress up for Halloween, is stumped. Why are women encouraged to uncover so much more than just their heads?

Granted, there are some Israeli government officials who are offended by all the immodesty, considering that it is being used as a target to get people to travel to their predominantly Jewish country.

Perhaps, as this Modern journalist points out, modesty is not limited to Muslim school teachers hiding behind a traditional cultural form of dress. Maybe there's a little modest history in all of us. As well there should be.

(Please also look into some of the links I've added to this page as well, for more on modesty in dress for all three Abrahamic faiths listed - and how having the head covered factors in their explanations. Also check out this Christian Teen Study on Modesty, from which I took the picture for today.)

Posted by crazy/truth2493 at 1:19 PM EST
Updated: Thursday, 2 November 2006 1:30 PM EST
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Wednesday, 1 November 2006
How many viewpoints for the Muslim Head Covering?
Topic: Muslim HC
Based in Cairo, Egypt, this reporter does a fair job of trying to show most all of the sides in the debate over veils, including discussion of face veils, recent history and opposing Muslim viewpoints regarding the debate between modesty or politics.

But there are also penalties for stating your opinion. Just ask these people who spoke against the head covering, from Turkey, and Germany.

Posted by crazy/truth2493 at 9:06 AM EST
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Monday, 30 October 2006
Islamophobia & Europe : 4 Articles
Topic: Face Covering
In today's articles, we read how seeing that veil, especially the niqab (full face covering) is a truly discomforting thing, both inside and outside the veil.
First, from the inside, by a first-timer: The veil: Too obviously hidden.
And from "", an observation article about: European Islamophobia.
An article concerning the European bans on Muslim clothing is also included: Europe draws battle lines.
Finally, an opinion article in the Calgary Sun which includes the recent and various news stories about head coverings and veils: Judging people at face value. In this article, Licia Corbella states that "Veils have nothing to do with religion but everything to do with freedom," and points out that covering the face is the problem.

Posted by crazy/truth2493 at 5:33 PM EST
Updated: Monday, 30 October 2006 6:01 PM EST
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Where Are the Head Covered?
Topic: Christian HC
Found this at Wendy's Modest Dress website:

Posted by crazy/truth2493 at 3:19 PM EST
Updated: Monday, 30 October 2006 3:25 PM EST
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Everyone Likes a Good Head Covering

"A good hat makes people different."

In the City Life section of the, read about the
"Shanghai Trends".

And smile.

Posted by crazy/truth2493 at 2:54 PM EST
Updated: Monday, 30 October 2006 4:21 PM EST
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Meanwhile, in Australia
Topic: Muslim HC
The BBC reports, with the rest of the world, on the contiuing story of the Muslim leader who compared uncovered women attracting men to uncovered meat attracting cats, in: Sydney Muslim cleric seeks leave. As this leader tried to convince his Australian Muslim audience of the importance of covering up what might incite a man to do something stupid, he made a few errors in judgement, which has led to a huge amount of press. His health is suffering, and he seems to be considering stepping down from his post.

Posted by crazy/truth2493 at 1:57 PM EST
Updated: Monday, 30 October 2006 2:51 PM EST
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Why Start this Blog?
Because there are people in the world who have a thing about having their physical head covered, and these people are from a variety of backgrounds, there must be something to it. Does this sound like a weak argument for keeping my head covered? Possibly, but to the unspiritual, even the concept of God sounds weak.

I do not think that covering the head is something that is specifically Christian, Muslim or Jewish, but is an international phenomenon, as I have found by reading various articles and websites regarding hats, turbans and headcoverings for cancer patients.

Look for articles, links to websites and illustrations. I might also put in my own 2 cents from time to time.

Posted by crazy/truth2493 at 1:40 PM EST
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