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The Waiting Room


The Hall of Doors

Visual Art Galleries

T he Center of Stories

~Swirling Flight~

Fanfiction Central

The Astrology Room

Bio about Ky

HTML Testing Pages





Mental Paths

The Taludrian Tales

The "Factoids List"



Featured Section!

The Supposed Villain

Welcome to the Waiting Room of these Crazy Wanderings!

Indeed, greetings, all who might wander here. I doubt many of you wander here unintentionally---to an unadvertised, free Angelfire site? Between its lack of regular updates, message board, OR blocked pop-up ads, you're likely here because you followed a link from one of my profiles on one of various websites around.

In which case, please look around. People who know me have remarked that my way of putting this site together describes more about the way my mind works than any of my attempts to explain it. I made a bio anyway, but look around.

So that you know what the heck those links on the left are--

Think of a castle, preferably a magical one in videogame with portals that link in unexpected directions. That's what this site is shaped like, and what it's intentionally designed as! The structure mimics that of the cosmology of a story that I'm slowly, bit by bit, creating the world of. The names of the various parts of the site are accordingly given:

This "Waiting Room" is the main page of Crazy Wanderings; its main purpose is to let you see the little buttons to the left and click on them, and to let you see what updates I've put up here.

The "Hall of Doors" is my Index/Links page. It has links to every major section in my site, links to other pages of mine around the internet, and links to various websites that I find to be interesting. Basically, if it's a page on my site, it will have a link on that page. I figured that'd make it easy to skim the site and see what's here.

The "Wall of Photos" is where I keep the collections of photos of scenes from my life, photos/scans of various artwork, and pictures of various computer art. It's the image gallery.

The "Center of Stories" is where I will keep the collection of story writing, original stories. Currently, this will include the Mental Paths, the Taludrian Tales, and various other works.

"~Swirling Flight~" is essentially the blog, journal, and philosophic contemplation catch-all.

"Fanfiction Central" is, largely, where I will be re-Edditing the fanfic TSoE--- or, "The Secret of Edd", an Ed, Edd and Eddy story that I've had around for about five years now. Included will be the minor off-shoot stories, epilogues, artwork, and any explanation pieces I write up.

The "Astrology Room" has a link to my natal chart ((as best as the website was able to render it)) so that any of you interested in astrology can get another view of who I am. I'll also keep the texts of any 'inspirational' horoscopes there. I like astrology, it appeals to both the parts of my mind that prefer intuition AND rationality---divination, set out in mathematically complicated imagery? Squee.

The "Bio about me" seems clear. It's a bio. About me. It probably disregards all the info you wanted to see, and a lot of what you didn't think or care of. But, it was for the sake of amusing myself.

The "HTML Testing Pages" are also just that... pages in which I'm testing random HTML codings. There's really not much there, but in the off-chance that you come by and can see what I'm doing wrong, you could always email me to tell me how to fix it.



These are smaller sections of the site, with specific focuses that I wanted people to be likely to come across in their explorations of the site.


The "Mental Paths"... which will be a collection of artwork and writing fragments related to these characterizations of aspects of myself that I write out sometimes.
Perfect for those of you interested in understanding my imagery and symbolism---or just getting into my head.

The section on the Taludrian Tales is the hub of my story's description! I'll be putting in parts of the mythology, story-excerpts as I write them, related artwork... whatever applies. This will include an explanation of just what structure this website is based on. The "Taludrian Tales" are excerpts of story-planning that I've been working on for years. In order to write that story, though, I decided to write outlines it it---then start over at the beginning of their world's mythology. I'm writing out the stories of the creations of the gods, early aspects of their world, and parts of the history. Eventually it'll be a complete enough world that I'll get to trying to publish the story. Eventually

The "Factoids List" is an alternate bio about me, in which I tried to stick to words and phrases to describe myself and my interests... and then spewed philosophically instead.

"Featured Link!" This is whatever section of the site I've currently got in a state where I want to advertise its existence---often the section that has most recently been updated to a 'resolved' level.

Currently, I'm advertising the "Supposed Villain"---the beginnings of the tale of Baelian. This is one of the story arcs belonging in the Taludrian Tales, being used as a tool for me to establish more of the mythology and history of the world.

((It's currently a comic with pretty, though needing-revision pictures.. You want to see the pretty pictures.))

By the way...

I apologize now for the pop-ups. This is Angelfire, and it's a free account. Maybe I'll make it a paid one eventually, but not right now.


If you don't already know me, here's an email address you can use to contact me:

If you DO know me, then feel free to use one of the other addresses.


If you're curious, here's the hit counter of the number of times someone's visited this part of the page:

Enjoy your day!

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Last updated 7/12/07 at 4:36 pm