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Many Things Astrology

Click the below image for my natal chart!

I'm interested in Astrology, and have been for years.

The little daily horoscopes, based solely on a sun sign and its interaction with other celestial bodies, isn't enough to give realistic reads for much of anyone.

(Thus why people make fun of sunsign horoscopes...)

But, a complicated horoscope? Say, your natal chart---with all the planets in locations, the houses shifted due to the date/time/location of birth, the interactions between which houses are where, which planets in which houses, the angles that everything is to everything else...


It gets pretty complicated then.


Inspiring Daily Horoscopes


Taurus: Daily Extended Horoscope, 1/27/07

"Some outdated ideas or bad habits are holding you back right now, but this doesn't have to stay the case for long. All you have to do is focus on where you want to be, and look at what is standing in your way. Then, get rid of whatever those things are. It sounds easier than it is, but even the longest journey begins with one small step. Give yourself realistic goals and keep going. As soon as you give up, you discourage yourself from growing as a person."

Taurus, March 19, 2007

The Moon in your 12th House of Dreams can stimulate your imagination now, yet you might have resistance to what's emerging. It's not that you don't appreciate the beauty of a lovely fantasy, but you have too much to do and may be fearful that you'll fall behind on your responsibilities. Establishing healthy boundaries will help keep you tethered to the real world. again for today...
May 11, 2007

You are being drawn out of your comfort zone and there is no going back -- at least not for the next few weeks. You must adapt to the increased pace in the rhythm of your life, even if you would rather take it easy. Don't waste precious energy trying to slow down. Instead, be flexible and just go along for the ride with an open mind.

....moving onward with one's life, finishing the things that have been procrastinated and TYING those cords so they're not lingering anymore into today---and from there, dealing with the building of Future with apartment/job--searching.



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And thanks!

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Last updated: 2/20/07 at 11:08 pm