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Who the Heck I am: Some info about me

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Bio of the Tie-dye Dreamer

<---- A picture of me

Well, let's see. What to start with?

If you don't want to read paragraphs---scroll to the bottom. I'm sticking a link to one-word and phrase descriptions of me there.

The last website I tried to make was called the Imaginary Worlds---because, for years, I've had a big emphasis on imagination. When I was younger, a lot of the imagining I did was based specifically on having something quiet and still to do when I was bored---as compared to being my brother, and wanting to make noise and move around, or leave. I drew on lots of my homework assignments during class, and on the insides of my folders, creating cave complexes and the characters exploring them... owls swooping out of forests, and all kinds of distorted beings around.

Elementary school recess, when I wasn't hanging out with my normal friends in the playground, playing kickball, or searching for strawberries in the field... I'd tend to create stories in my head of various characters I knew from books, movies, shows and games... Self-insertion fanfics, before I even knew of such a term, in which I was of course often helping lead them to save the world around us. The mind behind the power in charge, or aquiring super powers (like Flight!) myself... whatever.

With middle school came Pokemon and a computer with better internet access---and the start of a group of friends, at last, what with the sudden expansion from 80 to 600 kids. So now there were others in the county that I'd go to movies, or go to each others' houses, or hang out with at a dance. Random normal life stuff.

Late middle school and early high school saw my brother and I get our first role-playing game--- Legend of Dragoon. In the same general time period I became obsessed with Ed, Edd and Eddy, and looked around the internet to find websites with pictures of the characters so I could learn to draw them. Websites lead me to forums, forums lead me to Ezboard... and after a few weeks ORP that I joined in with, I came across this Game. It, too, was a online message-forum role playing game... but it was run by adults, many of whom could write much better than the people with whom I'd played before. I joined the board... and joined in with the several boards created by some of those people for the last four or so years.

My online explorations also lead me to discussions of politics and spirituality, to Witchcraft and Wicca... my high school GSA lead me to recognizing the existence and experiences of the parts of culture and society within what I would come to call the G-L-B-T-T-Q-Q-A-I spectrum. ((calling it that just to show that I could remember the letters and tell you what they referred to, ;D )) Since coming to college, I found out more about the Trans- aspects of that spectrum, and about other self-proclaimed trans-groups, from the trans- sex, gender, and even species: Otherkin.

Now I'm a college student living in Vermont, currently majoring in Art. I tend to take a lot of philosophy classes because I love reading and thinking, and it's helpful to do so with other people so I can better understand them.

I've been finding myself feeling distracted and tense the last two semesters, and lately I've recognized that when I'm frustrated or nervous I tend to grind my jaw. Then my jaw aches, and distracts me so I don't do my work and get more nervous and frustrated.

This site will eventually serve as a better sticking together of things of interest to me, since I've been too lazy lately to even bother trying to cover my tracks of who I am... and, yeah, a person could probably figure out who I am anyway. I'd just as soon share this stuff with people.


If you'd rather read factoids about me than the first draft of my memoir, feel free to come over Here, to the Factoids List.

Last updated 2/23/07 at 2:07 pm