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~Swirling Flight: Entry 1~

"Piffle, I say! And piffle again!
Why do you come to me with stuff,
this illogic and those unreasonable beliefs!
I'm not in the business of saving your world,
and you shouldn't presume that I am!"
says an indignant old being,
who sees past the 'reality' of
what culture and society and what
we ought to do? Things more
pertinent and yet not
the answers
and ze knows that it's still not it,
that neither is what ze sees,
ze knows it
says an eighteen year old being
brushing back
a stray brown lock of hair
brushing it behind hir ear
"It's my decision to make,
that I have made and
have yet to fulfill.
You should not rush me
into what you believe I should do
how you believe I should act."

Next Entry: Philosophic Book of Shadows Entry 2

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Last updated: 3/9/07 at 12:58 am