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~Swirling Flight: Entry 1~


"I'm not ready not ready not ready

I don't know enough, can't
explain can't describe can't express

(Art is born of resolving tensions)

(Expression is art)

I can't just fix it all, some of the fixing requires conversations with others and I all talking in discussion groups.

I can't lead a discussion yet, too young not ready not ready
not ready

As Keladry of Mindelan points out in the "Protector of the Small" books,
If you bullied as a page,
there's no reason you'll suddenly gain true honor as a knight.

If I never lead now,

Why would I suddenly lead later?

"You don't know who I am, do you?"

The eighteen year old being mused, thoughtfully.

"No idea at all... You don't know who I will be?
I'm quiet around here, I realize... but honestly, no one..."

"No one knows, they're still off and around dealing with their lives."

The ornery old being remarked, rearranging the newspaper.

"I see... Thank you." Ze responded, staring out of the air, ignoring windows and walls, staring off at a thought. "...I have no intention of dying, not any time soon, and neither do I desire to succumb to some structure of thought leading to apathy and despair. I have important changes in the world to be, this is not the end of my story."

//And are you Athena, my child, born again from the father's head, denying the mother and sisters? Your origins and initial intentions are not guaranteed to define you, you know...?"


Next Entry: 5/17/07

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Last updated: 3/9/07 at 12:59 am