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~Swirling Flight: Entry 1~

On the matter of Mankind and the Fall, our corresponding understandings of what it means to be human...

A contemplation.

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There's a problem I've got.

There's a problem I've got, with that world-view... that god-view... of how Man tried to be god, and failed...

Man fell...
And the return is a return to that way,
that same old way god provided---

Is, I look at the Hero's Journey.

Man, gangly adolescent, filled with the possibility in adolescence,
the changing of structures as you change,
messes up.

Man, naive and not comprehending these things...
Man, the wizard's apprentice trying on a bigger hat he's not prepared for...
Messes up.

The consequences of this is that man,
shameful and isolated and shadowed,
is unable to reside in that child's world,
that utopian world of the dawn of being---
man is no longer a child, and is no longer able to be one.

The choice, here, is what do we do now?

Enter the structure of the Hero's journey.

From light, conscious structure...
to the edge, where the hero meets the monster.

Descent into the shadow world,
The world of being beyond human norms:
the unknown, the danger, the power of it.
Thrice encountered, thrice tested.
With the third, you cease to be driven by fear
No eternal domination nor violent conquest, but... whatever you fight for,
whatever you fight against, you emobdy an intention---a light in shadow.

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Man tried to be a god, and fell.
Does this mean man cannot,
That god is that without creator,
that man as creation is bound by limitation>
Does it mean we should revere this power?
Does it mean that man failed,
and is now learning from it?

I see nothing here that defines our ultimate limitations.

I see... overconfidence....
I see a child breaking into puberty,
a god who remained that old/young
child-tempered ancient-power
without origin eternal whole
When you travel, you change.
Frodo was never truly able to return to Hobbiton.
Man cannot simply be what he was,
not without losing what we now are.

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Neither a circle, nor a line.

We do not simply repeat the same cycle

in the same way forever.

We do not perfectly move forward,

our past and our learnings as a solid base
to step foward from---
We mistep. We mistake.

We are not a series of steps

sudden motion and lengthy plateaus.
We are not so utterly shedding our pasts that we are only this moment.
No, our past determines much of us.

Neither are we merely our pasts

the same kind of purity is not simply reached, once you cease to be pure.

Now you instead seek to make a greater whole, including what new you find.

Better to think of ourselves as waves than lines OR circles.

We move in cycles, it is true

up and down
left and right.
Even as the seasons cycle
Even as day and night revolve
Even as the LIVES of beings cycle from birth, youth, maturity, decline/wisdom, and death into rebirth...
So do the lives of individual persons.

We move in lines, it is true
Forward changing,
gaining from the past.
Wisdom of those who come before can be learned----learned, but not grokked----and at least that learning can enable a richer range of analogy with which to understand the world.
Linear thought,
scientific thought,
reductionist thought...
We might spread upwards and outwards,
Closer to the heart of things.

Better to look at the motions of stars,
at waves of light.
Nothing static in this motion!
The position, the direction
the size and shapes forever changes,
but not jerkingly---
it flows into new being.
From one planet, staring at the sky,
sometiimes the other planets seem to go backward.
But they aren't, really. It's a relative perception.

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To calculate all the motions of everything...

that would well take a god.
So we may not be able to describe everything.
Science may not be able to predict it.
That doesn't mean we can't, either.

Grammar be damned.

Logic GIGOs---there are different structures, that process differently.

I cannot know if we are not able...

does not mean I can know if we are able.

Double negatives can mean uncertainty,
not cancelling out to positive certainty.

But I read and I said...
"Thou art God."
It means we are each Somos,
and we can bond in apparent and ultimate unity.

It means we are, perhaps, undefinable...
how do you put a god in a box?

It means we have ultimate responsibility,
too---and that's important.
"It's not a message of cheer and hope.
It's a defiance----and an unafraid assumption
of personal responsibility.
---Stranger in a Strange Land, p. 510

[Page 5]

"No matter what I said
they insisted on thinking of God as something outside themselves.
Something that yearns to take every indolent moron to his breast and comfort him.
The notion that the effort has to be their own---
and that all the troubles they are in are of their own doing---
is one that they can't or won't entertain.
---Stranger in a Strange Land, p. 510

And thus a story, a world-view,
a spiritual understanding that isn't
God above,
Man Fallen down below...
but god as the web, and all of us persons parts of the web---
interconnections of strands,
tangles and touches between and amongst us all...
in which the Fall is looking inward,
and, so, missing the interconnectivity of life
and trying to find it through various desperate addictions.
Sin... separation, pain, the emptiness and absense without,
taking of stuff to fill in that hole...
"And know, you who think to seek for me,
that your seeking and yearning is of no avail
unless you have learned this mystery:
that if that wich you seek you find not within,
you will never find it wihout.
For behold,
I have been with you since the beginning,
and I am that which is attained at the end of desire."
---Charge of the Goddess.

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Desire? Addiction.

Desire in the imagery of holes to fill---
with God/dess as the fulfillment of them,
not the filling of them.

Living in 'grace', living with God/dess, is living as imminant divinity...
is living as a part of the motions of the world.
Living in 'sin', in separation from God/dess,
is living as a hole in the web of life.

Living in fulfillment is...
the whole state of being, in which you're without holes.
A solidity of contentment of motion,
in which---post-fulfillment---you live in a way close to ideal than you possibly could before.
Not a static contentment,
in which you are 'comfortable' and remain,
one way of living, one code, reached and ended.

The emphasis is on this as a way to life, not the way to live.
The energy of it, not the dry form.
The essence of it, not the shell.

Religions I see are fundamental and obscene,
giving you a recipe-card direction of how to live life,
without a personal involvement or reason in it.

There are only so many things you can learn from others' experiences...

And religious ecstacy is hardly one of them.

is making your path,
regardless of conformity and regardless of rebellion.
Your light, your shadow... you.

Next Entry: Regarding a spiritual consideration of otherkin...

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