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~Swirling Flight~

'Swirling Flight'...
An aspect of these Crazy Wanderings, specifically devoted to journals, blogs, and other flights of philosophic fancy.

Many of the kinds of texts that are entered here are from the development of more specific ideas, ones that eventually get expressed in the Taludrian Tales, in the Mental Paths, or in other miscellaneous artistic works of expression. These, then, are the rougher forms----often typed up as they were from my journal or blog.

As the very structure of my site might indicate, I often think best when I don't hold myself to a single idea. I'll obsess on an idea enough to be able to express it, do so, and move on to another idea. When many, many fragments of ideas are written, and laid out before me so that I can look between them and judge the assumptions, concepts, and connections, I'll then re-write the ideas into a better, crisper, more articulate manner.

As has appeared in many other aspects of the site, the above image is filled with a dragon, swirling. Its motions are not simple, but neither are they entirely erratic... it swirls around, angle adjusting constantly from the previous motion, within the confines of its space. Colors swirl down through it, in a rainbow sequence of longest wavelengths to shortest, as the dragon's head just pushes out of this 'box'.

In a reverse from my usual tendency (chakra-inclined) I've red with the head flowing until violet at the tail.... for, if I examine my life, I have a heavy emphasis on the 'heady' aspects of living. Philosophizing, thinking, spiritual contemplations... but actually grounding myself, in my sexual self, my confidence? Less so. That emphasis even shows up in my symbol... unbalanced as it is.

Heck, even a quiz I just took that's supposed to measure the activity of your chakra agrees with my sentiment...


Various considerations:

Of Mankind and the Fall
Six pages of thoughts on religious understandings of "human", "god", the way, and the "Fall of Man"...

Online Reactions:

Regarding a spiritual consideration of otherkin...
My reactions to the otherkin-essay: "Have Humans Lost Their Way"

Entries from my Philosophic Book of Shadows:

Entry 1

Entry 2

Archived Main-page entries:



Portals to the Rest of the Site:

The Hall of Doors

The Waiting Room

Last updated: 7/14/07 at 6:15 pm