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The Secret of Edd "0rigins"


A light flicks on, and turns to illuminate a nearby wall.

The author of this story does not own the show Ed, Edd and Eddy, nor the canon characters or premise of the show. All non-canon characters that appear in this or the previous fanfic are creations of the author. If you want to post this fic, OR if you want to write your own possibilities for TSoE's story-line, feel free to do so after sending me a quick message saying so and where you want to post it. Thanks----Kyinsky.

The light turns off, and blackness fills the readers' mental imagery.

The darkness slowly lights to gray shadows, and a silhouette rises up. The landscape brightens further, revealing a gray and red landscape... a cul-de-sac in ruins, smoke on the horizon, shadow figures flying in the sky, and reddish moon glowing behind wispy clouds. Light from the still-burning fire illuminates nearby trees, as the fire is built between cul-de-sac and forest, and the older Edd leans against the nearest of the trees.

He stares upwards, tracing the wheeling shape of a bat-like shadow, a faint, sad smile on his lips.

'Hey Kevin....'

He shakes his head, observing as the shape heads towards one of the havens in the area... Edd had spent time there, before---after all, the werewolves, unlike vampires, can't be distinguished from humans on sight alone. And not all the havens had the equipment with which to test blood or skin samples... some had only the ability to trust that all present wouldn't fall victim to the tide of instincts, come full moon. He'd mingled with humans he didn't even know for a while, marveling at the experience, before heading out after a few days.

Shaking his head again, Edd tries to leave those memories behind, and glances up at the smoke trail again. He opens his mouth, and begins speaking again.

'I tried to recover Tony's gate, you know. I even went back in time, to while Tony was in jail, outlined the whole story to him, and gave him a copy of my original schematics to try tinkering with. It didn't work. And later, after the explosions, when I went to investigate his cell, see if I could understand what had happened... Do you know what I found in his room? On his attempted schematics, a small scribble from during the conversation that I hadn't even seen. It said... "Eddy's friends have time travel." That's what it said. I erased his memory of the conversation after we'd tried building the gate... and he had made a copy of his schematic before I did. So there he was, in my own timeline, sitting in the cell doing whatever he generally did, and found that... couldn't remember when he'd written it, but sensed it with his mind and could see flashes of our conversation, could see flashes of my comments about how, although I had made the gate Jonny was stronger in the mental abilities that the three of us shared... And that, to my knowledge, is how he knew to come to Peach Creek to test us. That's how he knew to be watching through Plank, and saw when to break out. Somehow my interaction in the past changed that point in time... but I couldn't change anything else.

I couldn't stop Kevin from trying to recreate his eternal fantasy, I couldn't stop the changes---I suppose it's a virus, that got spread through the past from all the time-traveling I've done---I couldn't stop it from mutating and affecting millions, killing their bodies and minds but leaving them still walking around... Couldn't stop the spread of the powers, the "mentalics" like Jonny and to some degree I, or the vampires, or werewolves, or any of the other many, many changes. I could go back in time, try to manipulate in such a way that wouldn't leave someone going to murder the younger me to try to change the future.... and nothing changed.

Maybe you only get to change your established timeline once? Or maybe... Maybe I already know what's going to become of this world. "Humans" holed up in the factory, and I say that mockingly because the scientists like my parents, and the others who tried to introduce an antivirus into their systems, who tried to immunize themselves from becoming zombies... those beings aren't human anymore, either.

I haven't seen the whole world, either... I've visited some of the major cities, but other parts of the country, the world? Everywhere's been affected, but the zombies aren't everywhere. Bad climates, or something. Humans still live in parts of the world, and even in large numbers. Just not around here.

....The day I had the dream...those dreams....

Do you know, I visited home the other day? Walked down the street of the cul-de-sac, seeing no sign of Nestor, or of any of the familiar faces among the zombies... just dead trees and empty, ruined buildings. Howling far off from the street, probably from that pack Marie joined when I began to haunt the multiverse instead of staying in our own world and time... And, when I was walking down the street, I could recognize some of the junk from the panic, when the virus began to spread faster and the humans ran for cover, leaving the memorials in process for those taken by the strangenesses to be ruined...

Wait, I actually saw one familiar face---yeah, I stepped on a picture. I wonder what it was doing there... Maybe Eddy's parents, when they were gathering their stuff in a panic to get to a haven, dropped it. Or maybe that picture was always there. It was a strange thing. But the buildings, the old houses, seeing them reminded me of things I had forgotten for years. That's why I came back here, and why I went in the ruins of my old house and finally destroyed the gate.

...I don't need it anymore. I know what I'm going to do.


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Last updated: 3/21/07 at 9:54 pm