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The Secret of Edd



Part 1 v.3

Part 2 v.3

Part 3 v.3

Part 4 v.3


Part 5, v.1.5

Part 6, v.1.5

Part 7.1, v.1.5

Part 7.2, v.1.5

Part 7.3, v.1.5

Part 8.1, v.1.5

Part 8.2, v.1.5

Part 9.1, v.1.5

Part 9.2, v.1.5

Part 10, v.1.5

Part 11, v.1.5

Part 12, v.1.5

Considering that I've already given 0rigins a description, I figured that the original Secret of Edd deserved one, too.

How to explain what this story came from... Ah, yes. To begin, this is based of the show Ed Edd and Eddy. If you read fanfiction about it, you may have come across one by one... Maria? I'm not sure of the name. It was a single-part story with no sequel, no followup. It was fairly long for a single read. The basic premise of the story involved Edd becoming a vampire, with a vampiric-alter-ego in his head, as he dealt with the ramifications of that----and a monster hunt by the rest of the cul-de-sac kids. I enjoyed it a great deal at the time.

The idea lingered with me, along with the question of just what was under his hat after all... and I watched a Scooby Doo movie by the name of the Reluctant Werewolf. I got this idea of Edd having a secret that he wasn't even aware of---becoming a werewolf---and building a machine to go to other universes... so they'd encounter supernatural things and that would wake up in him.

So, with the kind of 'gate' that shows and books like Stargate have, the boys would leave their more ordinary adventures of getting money for jawbreakers, and would find themselves in a rather off-kilter Save the World possibility. I had this vague idea of the Kanker sisters as the stereotypical evil-witches, controlling the kids' minds from time to time, and making general mischief. Plank, too, would be ominously involved...especially after the episode in which he seemed to make a lot of trouble for the Eds.

So, around October 2002 ((yes, really, THAT long ago!)) I started writing that story on the bus-rides back and forth from school.

I offered the story to a few of the EEnE major fansites ((you can still find the older, more poorly written versions on them)) and to

And I just couldn't end it. The more I wrote, the bigger the chapters got, and the more involved the story became. The ending I'd planned had nothing to do with the ending that came about... Eddy's brother suddenly became a character, with telepathic powers as the ominous figure who orchestrated most of the events that came about. The Kanker sisters were barely important after a point, and I twisted the storyline to give them greater prominence for a time.

I reconnected some of the story-arcs that I'd already created, hoping that drawing back the old events of the Other-Characters than the show's characters would give the story a sense of consistency. Finally, the kids found themselves in another world with only one way back, and that required encountering the 'final boss' again.

And I didn't know what to do with it.

Each year or so, I came out with another of the parts, until finally, for about the first year I was in college, I just let it float. I finally began writing a follow-up before I'd even actually written out the ending! I'd had all kinds of ideas of later stories I could write, with Eddy's parents following through on their threat to send him away for the summer... and I just never finished up the original story.

Even now, it's not entirely finished. There's still some loose ends to finish, not to mention revising it. I'd like this story finished. I don't really watch the show anymore, not after much into the fourth season, and I suspect that it'll remain the case. So, I'd like it finished, so I can play with the alternate-universe characters without regard for the show that their story was based in, and without getting requests from fans of the story for me to continue it, for me to finish it.

Even now, the formatting on most of the chapters is from the earlier, terrible version. A beta-reader who's going to help me go through and edit is finishing up with some of her own projects, and I don't rush the matter because I'm not sure I'm ready to finish it anyway. So, I figure, I'll fix up the site and some of my roleplaying pursuits, and re-read the story as my current version is.

Enjoy what I've got, if you like. :)


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Last updated: 7/14/07 at 5:23 pm