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The Cast of the Mental Paths
The Characters

**Picture of the cast**

The Gibbeted Puppet



Dani Gasa

V. Ky

Dragon Within


Ze and Sie talk in a library

Dani Gasa

Attempting optimism,
"The Dragon Hides Inside" potential----idealism and hope, but without the confidence or defeatism of experience.

Dani's primarily been displayed in Gaia where, between V. Ky and Ewonin, she's been the more human, sociable, leader-sort. She's the primary voice of casual conversation.

In the context of the rest, however, she's been holding back---as Ze remarks, and as the drawing of a topless Dani illustrates---- a deeper nature that is that of a dragon. The symbolism? Of confidence and knowledge, power-vitality, and an ability to enact her idealism---and fly.

"What do you mean? We can do something, let's figure out what to try---even though there's no guarantee."

Dani Gasa, the name, originally came from a KOTOR character. Dani is a random first name, and Gasa a random last name, that can be generated in KOTOR 2. I had recently seen the episode of Danny Phantom including the character Dani, and so I used it as a believably Star Wars name. The character name was then recycled as Danerial Gasa, my DnD character---rather than using Kyinsky yet again.

Now that 'Dani' had been established as one of the names I use, I decided to use it when I joined Gaia and made my first profile. I saw that blue hair was an option, and enthusiastically made a character with blue hair, and blue eyes... and, the heck with it, blue everything. Easily amused, I went back to school work and drawings and such.

Around this period of time was when I was creating the 'Dragon Hides Inside' drawing, and when it came time to my scanning it onto the color, I recalled the character with blue hair. I used that, and my understanding of what her hair would actually look like, and used Dani for the frame on which to make that picture.

The symbolism of the dragon was a complicated one. I love the idea of flying---heck, I love flying. I've done so in dreams at the least. I love the imagery of dragons swirling in the sky, and the imagery of the elemental complexity the creatures tend to have in mythology and artwork. The dragons I consider to be 'mine' fit neither the Western nor the Eastern conception, but perhaps some combination between them. Feline, winged lizard as a physical description... and feline, too, in mind from an aloofness that can be as friendly as liked, and a certain level of invulnerability. Complexity, and extreme intelligence. Age, and wisdom of observation.

So, Dani became a potential dragon herself, one housing a dragon inside herself, within herself. The first dragon that would come, if the impulse to be one was resisted, would not be that kind of glowing potential realized... it would be off, and focused on whatever had been avoided or repressed. And, so, I VERY recently developed another character, a raging dragon.

---Inspired by the possibility in Ceremony, and my hopes for myself---

Last updated: 2/22/07 at about 12:30am