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The Cast of the Mental Paths
The Characters

**Picture of the cast**

The Gibbeted Puppet



Dani Gasa

V. Ky

Dragon Within


Ze and Sie talk in a library


Feminine androgyny,
hesitant questioning
"Please, what is the system...?" desire to find something safe to conform to.... but not too safe.

Sie's the feminine, often submissive counterpart to Ze. In hir early renditions, Sie was like the Puppet, except without a system to currently depend upon. So, Sie begged Ze for answers. More recently, Sie's taken to debating philosophy with Ze, trying to get under both their assumptions so sie can create a more utopian structure for hirself, and for society.

"If you won't tell me what to do, I'll find a way to tell myself what to do, to get what I want."

Like with Ze, the third person pronoun used to refer to Sie is neither 'him' nor 'her'---but 'hir'. These two, thus far, are the only gender-neutral members of the cast.

In truth, Sie was not an original character when I finally named hir. Many of the characters are evolved versions of each other, and Sie was the main continuation of the Puppet. Assuming that the puppet did leave her noose and strings, climbing up, then she left her known world, the grays and mists of society and societal expectations. No longer wanting to be a 'puppet' or 'doll', and not understanding what she gets faced with, the puppet split and began traveling outwards.

Sie was the primary remainder, with similar pale, short, ragged hair, and having shed uniform for loose tanktop and pants. The result of a child forgoing the world of others telling hir what to do, and still not knowing herself how to determine what to do, Sie originally found Ze, and clung to hir.

---Based on anyone drawn to questioning, and anyone in doubt due to that questioning---