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The Cast of the Mental Paths
The Characters

**Picture of the cast**

The Gibbeted Puppet



Dani Gasa

V. Ky

Dragon Within


Ze and Sie talk in a library

V. Ky

"The 'vampire' Ky"
Teenage Angst
"Fuck the system" rebellious--- and defeatedly apathetic

V. Ky's inclined to silence, delayed speech, doubt, hesitation, and defeatism. He rarely trusts that things will work out well. He's just as inclined to watch, or not, from a corner the room with his arms crossed.

V. Ky's primarily been displayed in Gaia, original as the introverted male counterpart to Dani's extroverted female. With the addition of Ewonin he's retained that role, and has shown edges of a dry, sarcastic humor at ridiculous things.

"Things suck... but there's not much I can do about it."

V.Ky was created to dichotomize against Dani, to be a foil (or something). Wearing the sorta-gothic, dark clothing and with little inclination to interact with others, he was going to represent voices of doubt, disbelief, unhappiness, and expected-defeat. He quickly got drawn in loose t-shirts and baggy tripp pants, especially after my experience in drag, and seemed to be drawing inspiration from some of my friends---and the way that I suspect some people would view them.

Partly, I had too much of Sie and the Puppet in me to completely dress like that. I tended to wear tiedye t-shirts and jeans in school, and pretty much anywhere else I went; home, pjs all day if I didn't expect to go anywhere. Why bother dressing up when the intents of clothing are A: Temperature control, and B: Avoidng nudity?? Why bother changing clothes at all, except to stay in clothes that aren't dirty, and don't smell? But the Puppet and Sie, with their fears of what is expected of you, and Ze with hir understandings of respecting authority, and with the ideas from my mom that different situations called for different kinds of clothing of different levels of neatness---and without me understanding any of it---I just sorta went along with her recommendations and avoided making an argument of it. Rather than igniting her frustration again, at least.

V. Ky doesn't give a crap. He just doesn't care. If someone were to shove clothes in his hands and push him into a changing room, he'd probably change. Without that obvious of a request or reason, he feels no inclination to act. If he were to get 'fired up' passionate about a cause, like Dani tends to get, then he would pursue it passionately.

For now, however, he's like many of the college students I know... too aware of your own limitations in yourself and your lack of experience navigating the 'system', and too willing to avoid trying AND failing---too willing, to just accept the likelihood of defeat and leave it at that.

---Partly inspired by FF8's Squall---