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The Major Taludrian Dieties

The above are the rough sketches of the anthropomorphic visuals of the Taludrian Dieties.

The top row composes the Quadriate; the original (of remembered history) four dieties.

These gods are the most abstract of all, being the incarnations of the forces of the life-cycle.

The second row comprises the first three secondary deities, whose creations have already been chronicled.


The Quadriate


An important thing to remember about the Quadriate is that they are, in a way, one. When Somos first divided, these were the major fragment that, while still consciously contemplated the potential orders of things, decided that the universe(s) would need guidance. Thus it split in four, each defining itself by addressing aspects of being not specifically addressed by the others. When their intentions seem to overlap, it's because, ultimately, THEY overlap.


The First: Teliron
-------Female Chaos Transformation-------

Female, chaos, growth, womb, being, protection, maternity, emotion, being, forever, non-definition, enters potential, constances, conceivables.

Eternal Life, Present

For Teliron, 'chaos' is the disruption of an expected structure so as to bring about a new being.

Teliron sees and loves the chaos of life going about its businesses, and wants all life, all being, to be really enthusiastically take part; so she heals and protects.

She is based upon the archetypal idea of 'mother goddess' that I'm familiar with; the closest to 'Tyaris' of random positive motion, of warmth and emotions and guiding little ones. Teliron could be a Stepford wife, but she would be truly and utterly happy to be so. It matters not what other says, but that every being feels loved, cherished, and can grow into their own lives.

When a possible course for the universe to take, a possible change of things, cusps from potential to actuality, Teliron is there sheltering it through the change. She would provide all the world with everything it ever needed---and she remains aware that sometimes what is needed is to try, to struggle, to get things for yourself and to grow. So she tries to ensure every young being the basic skills, love, and confidence that will encourage survival and thriving.


In Dungeons and Dragons terms, Teliron is a Rank 20 Greater Diety. She's chaotic neutral, and she is largely associated with Motherhood, Chaos, Life, Protection, and the Sky.




The Second: Drometha
-------Male Order Static-Death-------

Male, order, static, death, the start, nonexistence, knowledge, creator, nihil, nothing, never, forever, first beginning, final ending.

Without Time, The Dead Past, First Beginning

For Drometha, 'order' is the shape of all-things, all-being.

He most of all is focused on the cycle of life most of all, the 'eternal cycle' of birth-being-death-rebeing.

Drometha concerns himself with this overall cycle, and cares not for the minutiae of individual, or change, of lifes' path.

He is based upon the archetypal distant father, the one concerned with his dark gray suits and gray suitcase, mysterious papers of mysterious and abstract intent. He doesn't deal with the small aspects of life, nor even punishment, however.

Drometha was the one to first bring the current universe into being, and he will be the one to end it. This doesn't make him the destroyer---no, as one of the Quadriate, Drometha is concerned with the universe experiencing existence properly. He is the fail-safe. When every possible course of history has been taken, every possibility and form and being explored, all beings will begin to remember everything. They will remember it all, and remember that these experiences were the reason why existence came into existence in the first place---and will then seek to return to the uniform, featureless state of Somos. The figurative mythology states that somewhere within and without the Realm of the Gods, the waiting room can lead to a small chamber, a cube of uncertain size. On the far wall of this cube is a door, a metal frame that seems to have once housed a mirror---and through this frame is nothing. In the end of ends, the Consensual End, Drometha will be the one to bring all of existence to the door, and through it.


In Dungeons and Dragons terms, Drometha is a Rank 20 Greater Diety. He's lawful neutral, and he is largely associated with Creation, Death, Knowledge, Tradition, and Lightning.




The Third: Umeseqo
-------Female Order Sustenance-------

Female, order, sustenance, continuation, life, spirit, divinity, connection, love, passion, possibilities, threads, the processes, elsewheres

Living Past, Eternal Truth

For Umeseqo, 'order' is in the structure and shape of all things, every thing.

Umesqo sees every possibility, and is interested in no single structure but in any and every single structure, and the preservation of all those possible interactions.

She was originally based in chaotic possibility until there was a need to balance chaos and order, so she became that ultimate order that completely accepts and embraces the changes of chaos. Originally, she was to be the 'tomboy', the rebellious non-violent subverter of expectations. Her intention in doing so would simply be to represent anything and everything that wasn't being represented by the current systems. Most of this aspect, when she was switched to 'lawful', was given to Gasghtau.

Umeseqo is the least-frequently referenced of the gods, for while she is a goddess of order, she endorses everything. For most mortal minds, order means limitation; it doesn't mean an infinitely capable structure, nor change. She could be mother, sister, or daughter... Umeseqo seeks all possibilities to come to be, and this requires that, eventually, mortals must tolerate every possibility other than their own; so she's as likely to a talker working the social system as she is to be an upstart in rebellion of cultural expectations.


In Dungeons and Dragons terms, Umeseqo is a Rank 20 Greater Diety. She's lawful neutral, and she is largely associated with Hearth, Adventure, Truth, Love, the Earth, and the Sea.




The Fourth: Gasghtau -------Male Chaos Re-Creation-------

Male, chaos, re-creation, destruction, creation, potential, rebirth, temporary death, the spark and the flame, a different beginning

Age Cusp, The Future, Final Beginning

For Gasghtau, 'chaos' is the deliberate disruption of expected structure, so as to bring about a new state of being.

Gasghtau sees tradition, habit, and pattern as stagnation; and the possibility of being trapped---or trapping oneself----from the potential of what could be. He will seek the introduction of a new way, by transforming the old.

Gasghtau was originally based in the rebellious teen, from "gothic" to "alt-sexed" to "satanically inclined." ((Accordingly, I gave him the stereotypically demonic appearance, from red eyes to scaly wings and tail... Even an inclination towards fire.)) He would be the irritable teen, the youngest son trying things---most anything---that the gray-solid-traditional father was not. He would have the wisdom of 'outside the box', and lack that from within it. He will eventually take on more aspects of the real-world 'Horned God', and the gods that dance----those of death and ecstasy, those of vitality and change and possibility.

Gasghtau is often the major demonized god in the Taludrian mythos; after all, when cultures want to define themselves and stay some way, his supporters intervene and offer acts of alternatives, change, and violence. Especially cultures that tend towards singular moralities and singular ethics, he is not desirable as a theological figure. Certain of his beliefs being correct, and those that disagree with him being faulty, Gasghtau is extremely arrogant and inclined to pranks----in the worlds, and to his fellow gods. His role in the creation of the Mifreterecer, however, will redefine his role---he never wants things to truly end, he simply wants them to be always changing. Details are of the essence, and a featureless nothingness is completely against what he seeks.


In Dungeons and Dragons terms, Gasghtau is a Rank 20 Greater Diety. He's chaotic neutral, and he is largely associated with Rebirth, Destruction, Creation, Strife, and Fire.





The Created-Gods


The Intermediate Dieties; created of more specific forces than the Quadriate... Weaker, but still early forces in shaping the worlds, these gods are more inclined to be interacting personally with the mortals they govern.

------ The Mifreterecer:

"The Lust of Destruction Unto Nothingness"

The Destroyer, formed of the destructive elements of Gasghtau and Drometha---he would undertake every small destruction for the purpose of attaining the final End. In the chance that his actions create something rather than destroy, it's merely a short-term creation meant to spead the overall destruction.


In Dungeons and Dragons terms, Mifreterecer is a Rank 17 Greater Diety. He's chaotic evil, and he is largely associated with Destruction, Conflict, Lust, and Darkness.



Cidyoz Hek'd:

"The Gaping Maw of the First Star's Death"

The Devourer, formed of Mifreterecer's deliberate distortions to the world and the accidental effects of Gasghtau's action---and the first of the gods to be partly formed by one of the non-quadriate gods. She remains most literally a shell, shadow, and hole of what she had been---with her strongest memories being of the self-destructive pleasure she felt as Gasghtau unintentionally killed her. Being created partly by one of the 'lesser', non-quadrate gods, Cidyoz is substancially weaker, and often depends on Mifreterecer's aid to fulfill her ends.


In Dungeons and Dragons terms, Cidyoz Hek'd is a Rank 12 Intermediate Diety. She's neutral evil, and she is largely associated with Destruction, Stars, Darkness, and Madness.



Conarlegre Senehil:

"The Intentional Defender of Balance"

The Defender, formed of the protective concerns of Teliron and Umeseqo---she will seek to prepare for combat unto eternity with Mifreterecer, protecting the current existence at all costs... even if it means things are temporarily motionless and static. She is willing to sacrifice personal freedoms and potentialities to see that the Non-Consensual-End NEVER comes about.


In Dungeons and Dragons terms, Conarlegre is a Rank 16 Greater Diety. She's lawful good, and she is largely associated with War, Knowledge, Dragons, and Discipline.



---more coming later. Check their stories for now.---



Random notes:

Teliron and Drometha seem to be incorrectly placed on the above image; Drometha is placed 'before' Teliron. For while Teliron was the first to form, Drometha and she were conceived of and enacted into being first. Due to their purposes in the cycle, Drometha is placed before Teliron---he governs the conception and the spark, the 'father' aspects of being, while she governs the maternal protection and delivery into existence, the 'mother' aspects of being.

Teliron and Umesqo have taken the elements that hold---that, in my phallic reasoning, are 'female'. Sky, earth, sea. Wombs that hold things, be it peacefully or forcefully. Drometha and Gasghtau have taken elements that jolt through---that, again in my phallic reasoning, are 'male'. Lightning and fire. Sparks of heat and energy that enter and change the world around them.

You'll note that, while both are 'lawful', neither Drometha or Umeseqo are fixated on a single idea. They're the original gods. They have larger concerns than some small concept of 'law'---Drometha focuses on the original beginnings, and the endings, of things. What happens between is of little interest. Umeseqo focuses on EVERY thing, and at least in this early time, she sees no possibility as being superior to every other. After all, she has the certainty that, eventually, every possibility WILL be experienced.
Similarly, neither Teliron or Gasghtau is chaotic in that they merely want to subvert all systems into muddled nothingness---they, too, are ((I would say)) intelligent or broad-minded enough to have a larger scope of what is important. They seek change. Teliron fears static and fixation; while she isn't focused on experiencing every single possibility, what she is fixated on is experience. She wants everyone and everything to try new things, do new things. She never wants anyone to fixate on a single state of being---for the nature of being is that of flux. To be motionless is to be dead, separated from the rest of the universe; frozen. Gasghtau is closer to the subversion, in that he's the active revolt against static. If tradition becomes too solid, if pattern becomes too stagnant, he's likely to blow something up just for the motion of wind and flame and adjustment to shake the apathy out of existence. As a result he's fairly egotistical, and considers his purpose to be, by nature, superior to that of Drometha's...

That the gods created thus far have been created for destruction by the males, and by protective impulses by the females, is mostly a quirk. Trust me, I have another 4 lesser dieties waiting to be mythologized and finished who will be created by the other four possible partnerings of the Quadriate---and they will not be so simply Chaotic-Evil-Destruction vs Lawful-Good-Protection. That really was just a quirk.



Last updated: 2/23/07 at 2:30 pm

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