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The Taludrian Tales: The Supposed Villain

The Taludrian Tales

The Supposed Villain


Balian Cover

Balian Page 2

Balian Page 3

Balian Page 4

Balian Page 5

Balian Page 6

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The Hall of Doors

The Waiting Room

The Bio-intro


"Six years ago, Baelian began to have visions, and a talent for magic awoke.

He sought out a trainer and studied at a monastry, larger than the one he'd been trained with. His magic was sorcerial, so his training wasn't in learning the True Names of things, nor in distilling magic into physical objects---all he needed to do was learn control, and how to manipulate the Aer'Ilath on the small scale that a sorcerer does.

Two years ago, he sought to understand the visions and their import, and so he sought out the Sellian Ridaethel, high-master of the temple, to undergo a lucid dreaming experience... Ridaethel, Baelian's second teacher, would bring them into the Aer'Ilath so they could objectively view his vision.

This comic illustrates their meeting, and what they see...


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Last updated 3/8/07 at 5:40 pm