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The Taludrian Tales: The Supposed Villain

The Taludrian Tales

The Supposed Villain


Balian Cover

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Balian Page 6

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The Hall of Doors

The Waiting Room

The Story of Baelian... the Supposed-Villain



The Supposed-Villain

Panel 1:

Baelian sits, nearly falling asleep as he rests from his final, frantic attempt to search through the small library's books.

In a room full of materials regarding visions, prophesies, and their interpretations, nothing had specifically referred to the fragments he could recall. And this was after several weeks of searching---this had been the final day, the final hour. If Ridaethel kept to his word, then the monastry's Sellian would be coming---and aiding him.

"Panel 2", Panel 3:

"Taptap.... Tap..Tap..."

Baelian hears a tapping sound, and looks up towards the doorway.

Panel 4:

A wavering figure is visible throuh the stained-glass window...

Panel 5:

And is revealed to be Ridaethel, as the Sellian enters the room, formally robed.

"I have come." He remarks, initiating a formalized test of certainty; a vision so distant so as to have eluded Baelian for the last four years is likely to involve highly impactful relevations about the world. He would want to double, triple check that Baelian is certain...

Baelian stands, responding, "As have I."

Panel 6:

They face each other towards the center of the room.

"Shall we?" Ridaethel asks, almost conversationally.

Baelian responds with an emphatic "Yes."


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Last updated 3/5/07