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The Taludrian Tales: The Supposed Villain

The Taludrian Tales

The Supposed Villain


Balian Cover

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The Hall of Doors

The Waiting Room

The Story of Baelian... the Supposed-Villain



The Supposed-Villain

Panel 1:

Ridaethel readies the next step, and pauses to speak with Baelian.

"Now, Baelian..."

Panel 2:

"Are you certain?" Ridaethel requested again.

"Yes. I must know." Baelian responded, ready.

"Very well."

Baelian's eyes closed in relief. "Thank you, Ridaethel."

Panel 3:

Ridaethel finished his motions, and the vision shimmered into being around them.

He was familiar with the workings of visions and dreamscapes, and he understood how a sorcerer's magic worked. The view he saw was clear. Suspended in the air, circled by what looked suspiciously like one of the aetherial dragons, was an older Baelian---clad in the coloration of worshippers of Mifreterecer.

While there was a building burning in the village below him, of prime concern to Ridaethel were the tears in air around the future-Baelian; the colors shimmered like in the manner that the world, revealed from its veil, did. The Aer'Ilath was being torn by this Baelian's actions...

"What... is this, Baelian...?"


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Last updated 3/8/07 at 5:00 pm