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The Taludrian Tales: The Supposed Villain

The Taludrian Tales

The Supposed Villain


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The Hall of Doors

The Waiting Room

The Story of Baelian... the Supposed-Villain



The Supposed-Villain

Panel 1:

Ridaethel watched, still and silent, as the mist finally began disappearing and Baelian walked through the door.

His cryptic response... did the boy intend for that future? Had he simply been looking to confirm his understanding of it, and his earlier confusion an act? Or had it been as shocking a revelation as he'd feared, causing some damage to the boy's sanity?

He watched the departure... still, and silent.

Panel 2:

Baelian walked the hallways in a withdrawn silence, ignoring any who tried to speak with him, and went directly towards his room---to pack, and leave.

A few of the remnants of the lucid dream lingered, floating after him, and to any who looked closely, the usual shimmers of light in the boy's hair seemed to be mimicking the shapes and positions of those remnants. As though such a reflection were natural...

Panel 3: Baelian's absence was quickly noted, and Ridaethel went to meet with the other masters. He told them of Baelian's request, of their choice of action, and the apparent results---he drew the visual into a mirror, showing them what had been seen. Though the mirror reflected it waveringly, it was enough; Baelian could be recognized as the figure in the vision.

More condemning, the boy had either simply run away---or left with intention. Running away from a vision like this wasn't sensible, he'd been with the Dromethan monastry long enough to know that the masters would have done more investigation as to whether this vision was a Fated vision, or the more frequent Warning----if it was simply a potential future they could avoid, or a self-fulfilling one.

But Baelian had left. Word was swiftly sent out to other magic- and religious orders of authority, describing his appearance, general (known) abilities, and the basic contents of the vision.

Baelian... this apparent, future villain... would be stopped.


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Last updated 3/8/07 at 5:36 pm