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The Gaping Maw of the First Star's Death
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The Quadriate & the Created Gods: Descriptions

Mifreterecer: The Destroyer

Cidyoz Hek'd: The Devourer

Conarlegre Senehil: The Defender



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Cidyoz Hek'd: The Force of Entropy---the Finite Devouring of Being

The Gaping Maw of the First Star's Death


Gasghtau simply happened upon him first.

Surely it was chance, and not the echo that he, too, had been responsible for---the boy's existence. It had looked simple.

Mifreterecer was leaning on the window, an arm gently prodding out of it. His hand reached and the boy was touching at a star.

"Cidyoz...?" Gasghtau murmured, coming to step beside the youngest god.

"Is that it's name?" Mifreterecer asked, politely disinterested.

"Mmm." Gasghtau nodded, allowing a smile to cross his face. "Cidyoz Gh-sm'ql B'plug-n Hek'd. One of my stars. She's a beauty, if you ever go to see her."

Mifreterecer smiled, a more interested expression on his face. "Indeed she is. I spoke with her already. We spent some time together---she simply hadn't introduced herself. Didn't even say her name."

The mischievous smile seemed strange, but Gasghtau wasn't certain how.

"You know, Gasghtau, some of the things you make are truly amazing."

"Thank you?" Gasghtau stepped closer to the window, glancing out. "Did you mean anything specific?"

"Not really----just, those destructive forces in general. Storm, pressure, gravity. The variety of them, and the variety of ways you can use what already is!"

Gasghtau shrugged, then froze. The star Mifreterecer's finger continued to linger by, something was warping around her---the light looked red instead of white, the space rippling to a sickly gray-green instead of blue-violet. "...What... is that?"

"Gravity. I've increased the attraction between all the particles of her mass---she loves the feeling, by the way---and the space around her is warping."

"Huh." Gasghtau leaned out a little to observe the matter closer. The sensations Cidyoz was sending out did seem similar to the ecstasy of mating mortals, excluding this sudden spasm of pain. "What was that!"

"Hmm?" Mifreterecer lowered his finger, blue eyes reflecting the light of the warping star. "I pushed too hard. It seems like she's begun swallowing her own mass..."

They stared in respective horror and fascination as the star continued to screech and moan.

"I... I've never changed local gravity like that. How can you undo it?" Gasghtau asked quickly.

"Never? You should. I mean, you're into chaos, shifting change, right? Adjusting the interaction of things in the universe... you should do more things like this."

"But, I don't know what's happening..." Gasghtau's face contorted as he watched the star begin to divide, an inner section compressing further, and an outer shell shedding off. "New things---that's what Drometha does."

"Well, not knowing's the point." Mifreterecer replied.

"Mifre!" Gasghtau gestured. "How do I fix that?!"

"Terecer, thanks. I don't know, try pulling her gravity the other way. I didn't really try this before..."

Gasghtau nodded, reaching clawed hands gently around the star, and pulling them outwards. The space normalized, but the star exploded. "Ah!"

Cidyoz had been a large star, and now the hole, into which she'd been stuffing her mass, remained. An echo of her voice, distorted as the light had been, whispered out as she continued swallowing the remnants of her mass.

"What..." Gasghtau backed a few steps, staring.

"Mmm, something new. A star pulling in without pushing out.... Gasghtau, congratulations. You've made a hole in space." Mifreterecer nodded approvingly, tilting his head as he studied the sight.

"But, that's not what I do! That, that's Drometha's role! I..." The older god appeared to be in a state of panic.

"You're even now, no?"

His eyes rose towards Cidyoz, and the figure approaching from the space behind.

Shreds of her black gown hung over a slim, golden one. Her hair had grayed as if with age, and bits of shattered ether floated around rings on her wrists and about her head. The green eyes remained the same, but all her other colorations had... shifted.

"Drometha took your domain once, and so you've taken his domain once." Cidyoz expanded.

"And a god is born each time?" Gasghtau asked in response, humorlessly. The strange echo in her voice reminded him suddenly of Drometha's Remark---that had inspired Mifreterecer---and his eyes widened. She sounded like Mifre had before actualizing---an echo of a potential god.

"It's remarkable, really, the possibilities if you're not trying to keep the universe going longer, and if you're actually taking part." Mifreterecer remarked. "Especially if you don't mind dismantling everything on the way there."

Gasghtau, still staring at the smiling Cidyoz, blinked. "The way where?"

"The destruction of all things."

"Well something must be created..." Gasghtau frowned at Mifreterecer. "Unless you still mean the End."

"Sure, just trying to get there."

"It's fun."


Thus was re-born one Cidyoz Hek'd, the first of the gods to be created from an aspect of the world. She is the infinite hunger, the endless gluttony and lust---feeding, mating, madness. As she only drew matter in, so she only seeks to fulfill her own goals---she became incapable of altruism, incapable of attempting to aid another. The most she did was to act along side one with the same goal as her; her future ally, the Mifreterecer. You may not remember her, child, for as she was the first of the gods to be born from death, so too was she the first of the gods to die... but that is another story.


Last updated: 2/22/07 at 12:30am