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The Force of Intentional Balance
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The Quadriate & the Created Gods: Descriptions

Mifreterecer: The Destroyer

Cidyoz Hek'd: The Devourer

Conarlegre Senehil: The Defender



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Conarlegre Senehil: The Deliberate Protection of Being and Balance in All Things
The Force of Intentional Balance


Umeseqo sat, her hair waving behind her as she stared at the model.

Teliron nodded as she entered the room.

"Have you seen the Mifreterecer?" Umeseqo asked, still gazing at the model.

"Yes, I have----and I met with Cidyoz. Is... that what you were asking?" Teliron stepped beside her.


Teliron glanced at her, frowning. "It troubles you, then? What Cidyoz became, or perhaps ow she became it?"

"I do not mind more gods, certainly not. But it is... she is calling herself Devourer. Like 'Mifre', she seems to want to destroy, without any intention of creating from it----a vision of no thing following rather than new existence." Umeseqo crossed her arms, glancing at the other diety. "I cannot see all the possibilities of this, but know this one: it is possibile to end existence without Consent."

Teliron's eyes widened. "That is not how we made things! Experimenting all the possibilities, yes, but..."

"New possibilities were created with the Mifreterecer. The path time will take, changed... and such a destruction---willful and selfish---is possible." Umeseqo's frown deepened. "Teliron, I am not equipped to ensure the survival of the universe. I sustain---I do not protect against destruction. None of us do."

The first and the third faced each other.

"And you would have such... a defender of the balance of existence?" Teliron asked slowly. It seemed likely that another god would be born of their words; she wished to choose them carefully.

"Yes, precisely. One who sees the possibilities, and actively guides them to a more ideal path, protecting existence from unwilled destruction." Umeseqo's words echoed strangely, and she closed her eyes with an expression of relief.

"Conarlegre Senehil." Teliron incanted, and she reached forward to touch the center of Umeseqo's mass. As she pulled the hand away, tendrils of light followed and weaved a figure shorter than them. Clad in black tunic and brown leggings, the shine of golden armor---chain mail--- peaking out, she appeared to be like the warring mortals upon the worlds. The brown hair on her head was cut short, about her ears, and she studied them intently.

The light and sound of the tower flickered, and footsteps approached.

"Oh, already?" Teliron looked around, staring as the model moved again.

Drometha stepped in from one passage, followed by Mifreterecer and Cidyoz Hek'd, while Gasghtau came in from their left.

The four paused, taking in the sight of this latest newcomer. Gasghtau was first to give a troubled laugh. "Another, already? We're multiplying as quickly as the morals at this rate."

The now-seven gathered around the model to study it.

"This is one of the models of existence. We watch over them, making changes as we see fit." Umeseqo explained.

"Enforcing a desired potentiality?" Conarlegre asked, bluntly.

"We have different opinions about what's best, though... so it's hard to say what's desired." Mifreterecer broke in, resting his arms on the railing. She glanced at him, and he smiled.

"Like this island---the motions of the molten stone below is what created it, but the same instability now threatens to destroy it." Teliron gestured at an island on the model, and it enlarged to fill much of the space of the model-view.

"Personally, I've wanted to try developing a race there..." Gasghtau remarked. The other three of the Quadriate stared at him, and he raised his hand. "I don't mean truly new---aren't there life forms on the island, yet?"

"Some few." Drometha replied.

"But they won't serve your intended purpose---you had hoped to find someones to preserve the island, protect it from dissolving again?" Conarlegre studied Gasghtau and the island fixedly. The others remained silent, questioning, and she elaborated. "Most of them are not intelligent, and the few that are favor Umeseqo. They won't want to change."

Mifreterecer nodded and moved to point at the model. "Then, here, Gasghtau... you should try creating new life instead of changing the old life."

The quadriate glanced at him, judging his repeated attempt to bait one of them, and Teliron frowned. "Mifre', what good are our roles if we ignore them? Gasghtau alone does not, solely, create new things."

"He's capable of doing so. Changing what was to something utterly new..." Mifreterecer made no attempt to hide his glance at Cidyoz Hek'd.

"That's still creating of something." Gasghtau frowned as well.

"Then, why don't you create something of the existing matter?" Conarlegre folded her arms, looking between the quarreling gods.

Gasghtau's mouth opened, then closed, and he seemed to contemplate it. He looked at Drometha, and the Creator nodded.

"Mifre had such interesting ideas for that place, though." Cidyoz's voice, disappointed, had barely any echo to it.

"Yes, see, it's fiery---and in both physical and elemental opposition to the land of rivers." Mifre trailed an ephemeral hand through the model, from the island to the main continent on the other side of the world.

Conarlegre's arm jolted out, and slapped his hand out of the model. Silence rang after it, and the two stared at each other.

"...This place is for Gasghtau to shape. Not you." Conarlegre said, her eyes flashing a heated brown.

"Hn." He lowered his arm, flexing his fingers. "What had you said your name was?"

"Conarlegre." Umeseqo broke in.

"Senehil." Conarlegre completed, tensely, and the others remained silent. "And you?"

"Mifre... terecer." The second aspect of his name was stressed as well.

"I take it you want to 'tear' the worlds asunder?" Conarlegre folded her arms again.

"They'll all 'tear asunder' eventually." His voice didn't clarify whether that was a comment on reality or a threat.

"I see." She inclined her head. "Mifre... terecer.... I suggest you not impose your will on others---especially not others who have existed for longer, with plans of their own for the worlds."

Mifreterecer smirked. "I suggest you do the same."

Their locked gazes broke, as the lights flashed off and all looked upward.

"I-It's decided, then, Gasghtua will have the main run of that island." Umeseqo got out, and the three youngest gods stalked out of the room.


Created to oppose the workings of Mifreterecer, the one Conarlegre Senehil---the defender of balance, she who fights entropy and the fading unto nothingness---immediately DID oppose his beliefs. They recognized in one anothers' attitudes and very names what they were, and what they intended... In the time Before, however, they continued to discuss, continued to debate the creation of the worlds.

Eventually... they began to war.


Last updated: 2/22/07 at 7:14 pm