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Map of the World of Ragdalae


Explore Taludria

For a quickie description...


the vaguely African-shaped continent is Ragdalae. It's referred to also as the "Land of Rivers" due to it having more large rivers than any other continent----and the rivers that feed this cross all around the region, making for fertile lands.


The nation of Taludria is the corner of the continent between the northern-most mountains, the central ridge, and the southern bay; in the northeast-corner.

Turtle Island:

The large, rather red/brown island in the center of the western sea is the one called 'Turtle Island'---so named for it over-head shape. This is the realm of the D'Qazik, and the island that Mifreterecer and Gasghtau quarrel over at some points.


Map of the world

Taludrian Home

The Quadriate & the Created Gods: Descriptions

Mifreterecer: The Destroyer

Cidyoz Hek'd: The Devourer


Get back to where you were:

Taludrian Home
The Center of Stories
The Hall of Doors
The Waiting Room


Last updated: 2/22/07 at 12:38am