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'Completed' Artwork: Dragon Imagery


Well, it's not like art ever feels 'completed'---but these are works that are complete enough to no longer be considered 'incomplete'.

By a random quirk, it so happens that, of the artwork I currently like and have pictures available to up here, dragons and dragon-imagery occurs in each one of them. ^_^ I'm calling this the dragon imagery page, and separate pages will be made for non-dragon artwork... later.


Page Listing:


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The Swirling Draconic

An image I began a few years ago, this is a 2'x3' acrylic painting on a painting board. I'd intended to play with effects of swirling air as something comes into being here, and thusly the color swirls as this draconic figure enters being.

It was largely completed last semester in my painting class, as I sought advice from my teacher on adjustments I might make.

Stepping Through

About a 10"x14" canvas, with acrylic paint.

The drawing that inspired the beginning of this painting was also the inspiration of the 'physical' nature of the Mental Paths;
I drew an image of a figure reaching forward, hir hand into a wall of an unknown matter, reaching through it...
an arm, stretching through it as the tendrils warp and wave around...
a sudden release, from the gel-matter into air, seemingly open air of a larger space and freeer place, stepping forward in a state of blinded ecstatic meditation.

Originally, the image was darkened on the left, and lightened on the right, with a swirling wall as the figure literally went through the process. During a few weeks' period, however, my journal suddenly filled with dragon-imagery. From the Guardian at the gate, to a potential hidden inside, to the lovely life-long daydream of flight, dragons suddenly became my imagery for everything... So, of course, a dragon decided to swirl up and out of the wall between things... not a guardian at the gate, judging if you're certain that you want to proceed, but also the gate itself, and the space beyond it.
Some quirks of the way the shapes swirled stopped being transluscent forms, and began to resemble trees----so, why not, I figured. Why not have a bit of play on the Tree imagery of the Biblical creation story involving the serpant? But the serpant here, if ze is tempting anyone, it seems to be a temptation out of the isolated, internalized shadow out into the realization of self through the interactions in the web of being...

My current symbol

This is the current total visual of my personal symbol, as it's shifted over the years from the basic Venus symbol. Again a dragon manages to find a way to swirl about within the work, spiritual symbol as it is of potential, and magic, and realization of being.

This was done purely in Appleworks, as I examined different drawings I'd done similar to it, and tried to combine them appropriately.

The history of my symbol will have to be placed elsewhere... but for the time being:

A Group Picture

These were pencil-drawn, on my computer paper, as I went through a book or two from a class and spent my time in class today re-tracing them. The result was that I had fairly neat lines, such that I could scan the image and easily color it in with Photoshop---and, so, that's what you see in this image.
The original, outline-form should be in the incomplete-works section.

Ah... the imagery that comes when I draw long enough during class.

In the upper left, we see a rather nude Dani---from the Mental Paths---with her spiritual dragon manifesting about her rather more strongly than usual... pink winks outstretching to a moon/cloud imagery that looks suspiciously like the icon for The Secret of Edd.

Below, we have a string of three Baelian's----the upper with his respective aetherial dragon. Dear Baelian is the main inspiration for The Supposed Villain, one of the Taludrian Tales' story arcs.

The upper-right figure is another Baelian, albeit with with his aetherial 'friend' twining around him---in what is probably the first time I drew her opaque. His hair's longer than usual, but he was another of the in-class doodles, and I wasn't focusing on accuracy. This is the picture in which I most see where I'm drawing inspiration from Kagerou's Kano, though.

Below, we see at least three of the Taludrian Deities: Mifreterecer, Con'Siustena Con'terextus, and Kosentifer Phynaflia. The pale, golden-winged figure is another draft of Mifreterecer... the tiny, brown/golden figure beside him is a mini-Con'Siustena... and the taller, swaying figure is Kosentifer. Con'Siustena and Kosentifer are the deities who will next have creation stories and descriptions up---but they aren't listed yet.

The drooping violet figure beneath them is, potentially, the last of the Taludrian deities; known only by the title of 'Defier'. Whether this will be the case is uncertain... At the least, this figure was drawn (as you might expect) when I was in an odd mood and was sketching in my book during class.
At least that poorly photo-copied core class book has SOME use to me.

Baelian Flies

And another Baelian picture. Just in case you weren't tired of looking at him yet.

His draconic-'friend'-of-the-unknown-name-as-yet is swirling around him yet again, and as he either mimicks or guides her motions, I get the sense that he's either floating or about to float...

(After all, we've seen flashes of Baelian doing that before.)

To the incomplete works!

The Art Gallery?

To the Hall of Doors...

Or all the way back to the Waiting Room

Last updated: 3/8/07 at 3:21 pm