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Incomplete-Artwork Gallery

The following works are incomplete works that I still like; chances are they're specifically referring to some idea or another that I especially want to express creatively. Thus, even if the artwork isn't yet good, it seems important to me.

Swirling Flight: draft

A lovely draft of the 'Swirling Flight' metaphor... With the rainbow color effect only added recently.

I'm using Appleworks. The scanner was occupied the times I went to use it, so the background is gray instead of white, and I can't use photoshop... So this will take a bit longer to get to a point where I'll call it 'good'.

Break from the box

This is from designing the cover of a portfolio I worked on, last semester.

The imagery consists of a box, holding in this (pixelized) flowing force, slow, and red, and hesitant. It forms a human figure, pushing out at the edges of the box in frustration... and, finally, finds a way to move out of the box.
No longer simply defined, and no longer battling, the force to move up and out, swirling and shifting through all the major colors of the rainbow.

The Art Gallery?

To the Hall of Doors...

Or all the way back to the Waiting Room

Last updated on 7/14/07 at 5:53pm