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The Hall of Doors

If you'd prefer, you can just head back.

The Waiting Room

If not, continue to explore through the various doors:

The Portals Through This Site:

The Center of Stories

The Mental Paths
A collection of near-psychoanalytical contemplations on myself, through the characters of the 'mental paths'

Ze and Sie talk in the library

The Taludrian Tales
The Development, and fragments of, the 'Taludrian Tales'; a series of fantasy stories I intend to eventually write and publish in some form.


Map of the world


The Destroyer: Mifreterecer

The Devourer: Cidyoz Hek'd

The Defender: Conarlegre Senehil


Baelian: The Supposed-Villain

Fanfiction Central
The new home of 'The Secret of Edd', a supernatural AU EEnE fanfic, and its accompanying works.

The Secret of Edd

TSoE 0rigins

Chapter-links can be found both in the fanfiction main page, or in the links for the stories.

The Artwork Gallery


Ky's Photo Gallery

Friends and Happenings

Fun With Self-Portraits.

Another page of bad photos of us.

A page of colors, swirling.

Visual Arts:

Complete-Artwork Center

Incomplete-Artwork Center

~Swirling Flight~
A collection of blogs, journals, and as-yet unsorted philosophic contemplations.

On Mankind and the Fall

Entries from my old Philosophic Book of Shadows

Entry 1

Entry 2

Archive: 5/17/07


A Bio about me

Factoids List

Various Pages

The Astrology Room

The Website-building Practice Room

Alternative Waiting Room

The Kyinsky side of being:

Fanfiction, fan art, and some poorly made webpages.

My Fanfiction.Net profile
Feel free to read and review my stuff! I've largely stopped working on TSoE for the time being, but I like feedback.

My Deviant Art profile
This is being updated from time to time, with much of the same material that will be finding its way to this site. Again, feel free to comment on my work, and to add me to your friends' list.

A previous Angelfire site
:D Isn't it cute...? I'll probably bring all the aspects of that one over to this site when I get around to it. For now, feel free to explore an outdated website of mine.

My main Gaia Online profile
I, uh, sorta deserted Gaia Online over break. Normally, this wouldn't be a problem. But I joined an RP... and then left with no word for a month. Guilt-ridden, the only time I've gone back since were in a few attempts to finally figure out that 'housing' thing.

Links to the Outside Internet

Awesome Comics and Videos I keep up with----and suggest to you.

Theri There
(A lovely Otherkin-related comic)

(A lovely, fantasy-world/meets/real-world character story of gods, quests, and insane main characters. Kids, don't read this.)

VG Cats
(Video-Game Cats---poking loving fun at all things gaming-related)

Fan Boys
(The on-going stories and thoughts of a group of fanboys---characters with archetypal allegience to their specific group.)

Shifters: The Beast Within
(Other-kin related in that it's involved with a rather... action approach to the Veil and the interactions of kin. Still full of fun imagery and stories.)

Juathuur: One Way or Another
(The Juathuur... the wandering people, with unusual powers, as a girl raised by her mother returns to her father's people. Completed, sequel just beginning.)

Oh My Gods
( Hee! Comic of amusing pagan-related humor. Pokes fun at, well, possibly everything.)

Two Kinds
This is... one of the only anthro-comics I've read in a while. Take: world with three major intelligent races. Make one a reclusive, magic-wielding lot. Make one the 'human's, furless and tending towards kingdoms, empires, and military expansion---and make the last tribal, primal, and increasingly enslaved to the humans. Now take one most powerful human in the world, erase his memory, and make him fall in love with a 'slave'. Interesting stories emerge.)

MindMistress is a superhero webcomic, with the usual hero- and secret-identities. The major quirk that caught my attention is that her usual self is mentally challenged, while her hero-self has an IQ more than six times that of an ordinary human.

(A fun, geekish furry comic that gets updated four times a year.)

Cotton Fluff Hollow
(The characters of childrens' dreams, when the dream is no longer being had and the character no longer remembered, have to have somewhere to go---so this is the story of such characters, and their quests for meaning. And playing tag with a ninja.)

Wiki Lessons
A lovely series of lessons Wiki learns about the world and life... often expressed through a rather bent sense of humor. The humor is definately there, though.

(Another other-kin-ish comic... An androgynous, 10-year old individualistic non-conformist girl in the random exploits of her mother marrying, her interacting with her new step sister... and finding out that she's a werewolf.)

Grim Tales From Down Below
(Let's see... Grim Tales, obviously. Following the exploits of Grim Jr and Mindy--- as in, Grim and Mandy's children, the younger Grim Reaper and the whatever-the-heck Mindy is. I quite enjoy, and I also reccomend...)

The Powerpuff Girls Doujinshi
(Another of Bleedman's comics, which is a fascinating blend of different cartoons---with the Powerpuff girls being the main characters---in an unsurprisingly anime style.)

Red Vs Blue
(Would I have to explain what Red vs Blue is? Essentially... it's a long-going storyline, based on the colored-teams from the first Halo game, and using the multiplayer maps to make movies. The actors are the variously colored characters, voice-acted and written with a script. If you haven't seen them yet... do so.)

Safe Havens
(Hee. I always read this comic at home, since the main character is a genius, and she and her friends composed the 'Other clique' of their school---as they didn't fit the rules for joining any of the other cliques---since she was young. I've managed to grow up conveniently with the timing of this comic, and it's been fun to read, mermaids and all.)

Heroes, Season 1
(Recent NBC cult-following show Heroes... supposedly normal people coming to realize they have super powers, in a world essentially based off the real-life world. I love it, but my computer won't let me watch the episodes on this site, and no one's bothered to put them on YouTube...)

Philosophy... Theology... Spirituality...

Sites I've visited, and offer to you.

*~*Regarding Otherkin*~*

An article regarding Awakening over at
As with many of the other philosophic dimensions of what it means to be 'otherkin', the advice here can be applied to many aspects of your life---and to potentially of your being.
Another website with reasonably broad understandings of what 'otherkin' means to people.

A Kiwi's Dream

The connection isn't immediately apparent... but consider that the kiwi is a wingless bird. I cried at the end of this little short.

----Dragon-specific 'Kin information----

General information, FAQ, with links leading to other aspects of the site.
A good-sized, active forum I'm a member of. In addition, this board is linked to several other sibling-boards regarding draconity and otherkin, each with different styles of discussion, interest, and personality.

~*~*Regarding Spirituality*~*~

The Witches' Voice
Witchvox is the largest Wiccan/Pagan/Neopagan online community that I know of. It's got listings for everyone willing to put one up, and articles written by a WIDE range of people, with diverse subjects and points of view.

Nishijima, writer of "To Meet the Real Dragon"
I haven't finished that book yet, but the essential topic is the personal revision of Buddhism that he practices, and how he sees the Buddhist philosophy as being able to heal the multiply-dichotomous Western Civilization, torn as we are between reason and idealism, certainty-physically-now and what-more-there-is...

>^#-Regarding things that annoy me.-#^<

The Essay.
A lovely, wonderful write-up of the history of essays... as in, the literature-based opinionated 5-paragraph structures I had to write so many of in middle and high school.
I had a love-hate relationship with them. I like structures, and if I know the structure I can more easily structure my ideas and focus on expressing them.
Problem is, this structure sucked.
The writer of this 'essay' on essays takes the time to point out the history of intellectualism in the west, the fascination people at the start of the middle ages had with the Greeks, and the progression from there. Ah... silly, silly world.

^*^Random Interesting Stuff I've Been Exposed To^*^

Peter's Evil Overlord List
A how-to guide of pointers for all the would-be Evil Overlords out there.
I suggest you be suspicious of whether or not his advice is flawed; after all, why would he want competition?

Personal DNA: Personality Test
A fascinatingly detailed quiz, with colorful effects at the end that summarize what it perceives you to be like.

A wiki of all things Star Wars

Evil Finder
... finding the evil in everyday words.

Danerial of the Personality Forge
Danerial is my 'chatterbot', a little AI construct I made courtesy of the coding at the Personality Forge... but she's under construction. I got too detailed too quick, so she's suddenly talking circles and not accessing a lot of her programmed info unless you ask her in just the right way.
As a 'chatterbot', she's one of many that are meant to imitate a person in an online chatroom---with the really good ones, you might take hours before you can determine if they're human or bot.

The Freak Nation Manifesto
Oh the wonderful range of 'other' peoples... along with a mini history of the connections between them.

The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
Official website of the Pastafarians, members of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
If that doesn't tell you what this is about.. then you should probably go look at the site.

Proof: We're all going to hell
A visual proof that mankind has filled every sin and every combination of sin, suggesting that an unhappy afterlife awaits.


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Last updated: 3/7/08 at 2:14 pm.