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Name: Ashley
Nicknames: Ash, Hashbrown, Molly, Stoner, Ashwee, And Asholee
Age: 14
Birthday: May 26th
Righty or lefty: Righty
Place i was born: St Joesphs, in London
Hair colour: Brown with red highlights
Eye colour: Blue
Height: 5'3 i think
Astrology sign: Gemini
Name of School: Northern
Nicest person i know: Natalie
Crazee-isnt person i know: Amie
Calmest person i know: Melissa
Siblings: An older brother Craig, and a younger brother and sister (twins) Alex and Jody and a younger step brother, Chris who is 12
Best Friends: Natalie, Amie, Kim, Kristyn, Danielle, Melissa, Rachel, Katie Schieck (spelt ur name right haha) Nicki, Chad, Brandon, and Wade. Luv ya all *muah*
Pets: Dog (bobo), and Cat (leah) lizard died :-(
My Fav's
Colour: Light Blue, and pink
Movie: Finding Nemo, Bruce all Mighty
Song: Sheryl Crow-The first cut is the deepest, and all Linkin Park songs.. HELL YA! =)
Group: Linkin Park, and Papa Roach
Holiday: Christmas, and Holloween.(tays bday!)
Season: Fall
Sport: Soccer, bowling, volleyball
Show: That 70's Show, Friends, Will and Grace is great!
Food: Pizza, ribs, popcorn
Drink: Nestea
Junkfood: Cookies
Breakfast food: Pancakes
School subject: Math, Art, Music
Book: None at the moment..
Saying: Enough about me, lets talk about you...what do YOU think about me..?
Type of Movie: Horror and Comedy
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