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The Basics:
Name: Julia Anne Catherine Gillen
Nicknames: The Moose, Jules, PunkLunchbox, Hey you!, Joolie-Woolie, Cutesy Buttons, *can't remember the one Dan first called her and Dan gets sad*, Paloma (Dove)
Age: 17
Talents: Tae Kwon Do, Tenor Sax-a-ma-pho, HER SEXY VOICE, Dan: A natural born leader, Listening to music that's not bad (A/N: AKA good music), she can move her legs in a certain way
Pet Peeves: Antonio, MINI LEPRECHAUNS, her sister, her sister's 'boyfriend', 99% of the population of the world

Favorite Person: Dan
Food: It's um...beef with beans in garlic sauce
Monopoly Piece: The car b/c it goes really fast
Cheese: Either cheddar or pepperjack
Band: Jimmy Eat World, Neil Young, Third Eye Blind, Coldplay, Thursday, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Tenacious D
Word: Fangoriously
Quote: No two people are not on fire
How do you feel about...
Frances: No comment
Bush: He's a stupid douchebag
Your Mom: I love my mom, but your mom sucks.

And most importantly...
How much do you love Jackie? "Nowhere near as much as I love Dan"
A/N: But that's a shit-load considering how much she loves Dan
A few final words about Julie, by Julie
It's just a baby!

E-mail Julie