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The Basics:
Name: Marisa Anne D'Amore
Nicknames: Missy (and the adventuresome people call me Miss)
Age: 17
Talents: sleeping
Pet Peeves: Close-minded people, homophobia, being awakened halfway through an amazing dream

Favorite Person: Jackie!
Food: roasted peppers with mozzarella and balsamic vinegar...i'm just that italian
Monopoly Piece: the dog
Cheese: Mozzarella
Band: Bitch and Animal, Ben Folds (Five), Guster, Ani Difranco, Jason Mraz
Word: Indubitably
Quote: Your Mom

How do you feel about...
Frances: I like Frances
Bush: Fucking asshole. I want him to die...painfully
Your Mom: more importantly, how does your mom feel about me?

And most importantly...
How much do you love Jackie? More than you could ever imagine

A few final words about Missy, by Missy:
I was at the 7-11.
I ate a burrito.

E-mail Missy