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C A R E L E S S - T E A R S F A N F I C T I O N + + V E R S I O N : S T A R S R E T R O

About The Hostees

About Leigh

Ok, you wanted a little bio. I've been reading fan fiction and reviewing for the past three years. When I started I wanted to write a plot line that most people don't normally use. I wanted to brake the three main the consistencies in the plot line.

1) The author's name always is used as the main character.

2) The guys are either not them-selves( as we love them), or touring.

3) 90% of fan fiction is romance novels between best friends or someone they met on tour. I'm different in my writing, and in the way I think. That's why everyone calls me Lone Leigh. I'm in my own little world all by my lonesome.

Sincerely Leigh Malone.

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