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Pride Convention 2003
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Pride 2003 Photos


bulletVolleyball - I like playing volleyball.
bulletI'm good at spiking, serving and hitting it from the front or middle row.
bulletAnother alternative to volleyball is walleyball. The same rules apply accept when you hit the ball you can hit it on any wall but the opponent's back wall.
bulletTrack - I was in track in 7th grade. I did the 100 meter and 200 meter .
bulletWe also had every year in middle school May Day. You are required to pick at least 1 event. I did the 50 meter and long jump.
bulletPool - I like playing pool, I have my own pool table at home.
bulletI usually play 8-ball, occassionally 9-ball.
bullet9-ball is much harder, you have to hit the 1 ball 1st.
bulletIn 8 ball the 1st one to make a solid or stripe in has to hit the same kind that they hit in.
bulletStudents Against Destructive Decisions(SADD) - Students helping other students make positive decisions about challenges in their everyday lives.
bulletWe have a meeting every month, we discuss are plans for that month and we play team building activities.
bulletIn April I went to Pittsburgh, PA for the Pride Convention. It's a fun , safe drug and alcohol free place where teens can go to have fun.
bulletBusiness Professionals of America(BPA) - A student organization that promotes leadership,citizenship, academic, and technological skills.
bulletWe went to Regional Judged Events, we placed 5th in Small Business Management team.
bulletNational Honor Society(NHS) -  honor those students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of Scholarship, Leadership, Service, and Character.
bulletWe do community service and have mandatory projects.
bulletMandatory: Red Cross Blood Drive
bulletBig Brothers Big Sisters:Bowl for Kid's Sake-You get sponsors then turn in the money to them.
bulletAcademic Booster Club
bulletI received an award for Academic Excellence
bulletAcademic Excellence in English



This site was last updated 05/28/03