Welcome, this is the sissy
edition to my main site.. So far this site is still under
construction so a lot of it is incomplete or empty. This will be
remedied soon, so don't worry. This is a site I created purely to
put all this info in one easy to reach spot. All of the guides and
information and anything else on this site is written solely by me, BLARG. Thesse are basic guides and aren't meant to be
complete walkthroughs. Fairyland is an MMORPG and is meant to be
played in a diverse manner. Every character should be different.
Growing your stats in your own way and choosing your own pets makes
your character your own. There is no "perfect" way to create a
character. The random stats you gain at level up just make that all
the more inevitable. These guides are just that, GUIDES. There
are meant to give you a general idea and basic understanding of how to use
and understand a particular character.
With that being said, if you have any suggestions or
comments, there's an e-mail link just to the left. Feel free to submit
anything you'd like about the site. Currently that's my personal
e-mail address, but if the respones are higher than I expect I will make a
dedicated address for the site. I'm also looking into putting in a
small suggestion or chat board or maybe a forum of some sort. But only
time will tell on that. Enjoy the site. |