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an avatar i made
comming out soon, i hope
great, you should join!
my jerky friend(s)
my kitteh
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Friday, 24 September 2004
hamtaro games
Mood:  special
Topic: comming out soon, i hope

My mum said i can get hamtaro ham-ham games!! yay, wow!! so excited..well at least I WAS, it meant to come out in July in Australia, but it's WAY past that now..i'm worried if it never comes out ;_;..i've got hhhb (ham-ham heart break) but i've won that already, trust me, you have to suspect the stupidest things to win the game! ^____^, it's good though, i would rate it a nine cos..etc..
i wish i had some screen shots/pictures/sprites....i'm gonna try to download at least one hamtaro game onto my computer, i'll maybe look for hamtaro, rainbow rescue!! YEH!! THAT'S A REALLY GOOD ONE!!!!i hope i can get it....i will beg my mum to buy it for me, maybe for's comming up soon...i will beg her to get it off e-bay!!! if she says no, i will ask my dad, he says yes to ALMOST anything.....well actually...not really....OR MAYBE Ham-ham rivals!!!!!!!!!! i heard the game is really good, i want a hamtaro game ;_; i'm not chucking a tantram..if that's what you think..<-----------> i'm not spoilt, i just get alot of stuff for birthdays, Christmas etc....
the kat is gonna be an anniversary pressie for my mum & dad...except it'll be mine xp..whatever..
i can't wait!! i want a game mainly cos it teaches me alot of hamchat, kushi-kushi, hif-hif, hamha etc. it's real fun!!! i love to collect ham-chat on hhhb! well....gotta go -_-; BYE-QS!!

Posted by Steph at 9:54 PM NZT
Updated: Friday, 24 September 2004 10:18 PM NZT
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Thursday, 23 September 2004
txt smilies
Mood:  lazy
Topic: about

here is an excample of a sentence with a txt smiley

EVERYBODY DANCE NOW! -------->^__^<----------right here, a txt smiley, well...that's what i call it, it's really the only way to tell the difference between & XDD, are some txt smilies: 6_6 ^_^ '_' -_-; -_- ^_^; '_';x_x x_x; 6_6; XDD xp =p =D ect. you know what i mean...please reply to this topic...

Posted by Steph at 8:00 PM NZT
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ham-ham rivals forum!
Now Playing: nothing i guess
Topic: great, you should join! should join the hhr! i like it better than the hhk.. REALLY GOOD, ohnest!! everyonice & they make you feel welcome when you're new, they never call you a n00b & you never get called a n00b, tripple/double posting isn't allowed, but trainer abu & bijou (the admins) are real nice about it, & they treat everyone speical too, but then again everybody does that..
hardly anyone gets banned and there really is no need for it either, except for these ppls that post terrible things *thunder struck* OW! BUT,BUTBUTUBUTBUTUBUTUUUUTTTTT, IT'S O.K NOW COS Trainer abu cleaned it up & the place is all friendly....JUST LIKE B4 6_6..adorable smilies & everything! JUST DON'T TAKE THEM,..also they have adorable buttons & no swearing..

join 2day!!!!

P.S i was no sent to advertise....

Posted by Steph at 6:40 PM NZT
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hi again
Mood:  hungry
Now Playing: @__@ you're asking ME?
Topic: my jerky friend(s)
my friend is a jerk! 0_0 bum bum bummmmmmm..

i'm NOT naming namez & she might not be a jerk anymore..

here's what i will do, i will use the names of the ones that AREN'T BEING JERKS & i will make up a name for the one that is, fair?

made up name
me, genny & ------>kip<------- were on a 3-way-chat, well, at least, i didn't know that, & well, i thought i was on with just genny & anyways, i said "lets call jess & go on a 3 way chat" while kip was on mute listening to our conversaition, genny whispered, "kip is on must listening to EVERYTHING we say, so keep quiet about your personal stuff" i said "how could you go along with this"??? but i rememembered genny was a sweat person that would like to keep the friends she makes..
i went along with kip's "plan", anyways, i thought it was dumb the way "they" set it up..

"when i say 3, i'll say in kip's voice, do you

other friend, really close
like -------->jess<---------?" said genny, "do you like jess?1,2,3" asked kip i said, "i like jess the same as genny" "when i say 3, i will ask what would you rate me & jess in kip's voice. 1,2,3" "what would you rate me & jess"? "i'll give them a 9 cos nobody's perfect" i said, with suspision, "okay, what would you give kip?" "a 5 1/2"i replyed, "why?"asked kip, talking as if genny said it, "cos FRIENDS DON'T PRETEND NOT TO BE THERE ON A THREE-WAY-CHAT AND BE DISOHNEST & PUT POPULARITY INFRONT OF THEIR FRIENDS!" i said angryily, kip had then said she needed to go & hung up.....

kip=Danielle, just so you know

Posted by Steph at 5:53 PM NZT
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The day my blog came 2 being
Mood:  flirty
Now Playing: something stupid
Topic: my kitteh

heheh, i am real excited that i got a blog..

yay for me!! i'm geting a kittn, i love kittens, i am hoping for a girl, but i don't mind a boy, i want a girl probobly coz they're easyer to name, pashmina, penny, snowball,fluffy ect. and maybe because they're more gental... but then again, they don't play much, do they?? i would maybe have a boy kitteh cos.... i don't know, i've just liked boy cats more than girl kittys for a long time, i've never given much thought on WHY....

Posted by Steph at 5:02 PM NZT
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