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I'm still workin' on this site. I should have more stuff as well as some pic's up soon.

So I have a shitty car. Lotsa people do I guess. But then there comes a point of ultimate shittyness in luck with cars that I believe I have reached. I created this page to get other peoples feedback. What do you think? Read my story and then tell me yours. Is my car and the luck I have had with it really that bad? Or am I complaining for no damn good reason?

So my story is simple: I wanted a car like any other teenager. I wanted a Jeep. So I set out to achieve this dream since it was obvious my parents were not helpin' me out on this one. After much searching and 10 months of workin my ass off and saving my lousy $7 an hour pay, I thought I had found the one. Only $1250 after tax, title and license! So what if the engine was a little busted, the interior a little dirty, the tires flat, and there were a few dents on the side... all that could be fixed, right? Oh, ya and it's turquoise.

For the past year that I have been the proud owner of this beauty, the "Turquoise Monster" as it has been dubbed, and it has drawn some attention. I am mocked and laughed at every day for it's hideousness. Some people just don't see its beauty. It is a '93 Cherokee, and people have loved to smash it, bash it, mock it, rob it, and even feed it.

The first in the line of horrific events was a giant pumpkin being thrown through my front windshield. I was a lil upset at such pointless cruelty, but $150 later it was all better... Until one day the side window was smahed out while I was in school, by I dont know who and for no damn good reason. So being broke, (partially due to the small leak in my gas tank that causes need of constant gas refilling) the window remained duct-taped up. Of course this led to my entire cd collection, over 150 cd's that i had thought to be well hidden under the seat, to be stolen. I have yet to recover from such a horrific loss. Next was the random stuffing of hundreds and hundreds of dinner rolls into my car through the broken window, acompanied by a note mocking my shitty car.

In the past two months I have had a lady ram my car from behind and somehow prove that the accident was my fault, leading to no reparations for the damage done. Furthermore on my 18th birthday, upon returning to my car I found a nice, big dent that someone had kindly left in the side of my car for me. Now my back passenger door will not open. in addition to this, my friends thought that painting my car with shoe polish was a nice bday present. I have yet to get it all off.

The final event that has occured was the other day when it broke down on the side of the road. I was forced to leave my lil baby there till I was out of school. Upon my reurn I found the window that I had just days earlier spent $100 replacing to be once again busted out, and my cd player as well as my sunglassed and jacket were stolen. My dash was also ripped to pieces. Is there anyone out there who still repects peoples property?!!!

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My car suck?get this gear!