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Why I Started This BLOG
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Job Hatred
Thursday, December 30, 2004
I Hate My Job
Mood:  mischievious
Topic: Why I Started This BLOG
Okay... I hate my job BLOGS and Message boards are all over the internet. I just wanted to join in the fun and start my own BLOG to vent my frustrations. I also enjoy reading other people's rants over their jobs. In some sick way it makes me feel better...

This is why I hate my job. Number 1.. It does not matter that I have a college degree and have busted my ass to get it while working full time. It does not matter that I work my butt off and do a good job. I am a marked woman. I can not move up within my company or out of my department. It seems the only people that are getting anywhere are the people that hang with the boss at the bar after work. It is frustrating and makes me not want to come to work. It pisses me off to see my coworkers get rewarded for their laziness. I refuse to Butt Kiss. So Now I am working on getting my ass out of there.
I started my own web site so kindred spirits who also hate their jobs can vent. So Have fun in my blog. My site is still under construction but i hope to have it up and running soon.

Posted by crazy3/ihatemyjobmi at 4:45 PM EST
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