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Story taken from Megaman legends1, Misadventures of Tron Bonne, and Megaman legends 2. All great games made by Capcom!

Eden Crisis is made by David Hurst. This is only a fan fiction and to only be treated as such. No Illegal selling, or producing of any kind under capcoms legal rights to this series and story. I only wish to expand apawn this story in my own way and not to force production of a game however much I wish they would. If Capcom Imployees see this site please remark on how you think the story is going!
Send a remark to David Hurst/Krazyivan2005.

Eden Crisis

Or/The Reverbot War/

Working titles...

______Thank you for reading my fan fiction and if you have suggestions send them to Its getting better but as you see I'm making changes so please enjoy.

Chapter 15
All is well for now... Or is it?
Scene 1 Act 15:Megaman wakes up to a familliar face as Yuna stands by him checking if he's alright.
______Megaman looks to see Yuna, Roll, and Tron are standing near him and they are in a small building with tarnished walls. Also he senses dust in the air," What happened? Where am I? Last I remember the reaverbot was dead and I was... Roll? Is everyone ok?"
______Tron sits back as Roll steps forward and smiles," We were worried Megaman, the defenders that were at the wall told us that you got hurt badly in a fight with a reaverbot, so We came here to see if you were all right."
______Tron also steps forward and makes her case," We had a tough time at the crash site but we managed to fight off the reaverbots that were attacking and we even brought the equipment that we had here thanks to that old man and the truck. But when We got here the attackes had stopped. At least for now everyone is safe."
______Megaman sits up but feals pain in his right arm." Ahh! What the!?!"
______Yuna helps him," Hey sit still, you took quite a hit there. I'd say your arm is at least sprained. Its a miracle by the way those two defenders told it, you lifted your arm even though the reaverbot tossed you and hit you till you blacked out for a second or two. They said you raised your arm and fired at the Bot at the right time! Right when it was defenseless! But you took quite a few blows. Your going to have to take it easy for a while."
______Roll pickes up the rocket launcher that is on the table at the wall." I'm afraid this is toast. The rocket you shot was at the worst time and it blew up the barrol also spraining your arm. I dont think I can fix it..."
______Tron looks at the rocket launcher and sighs." I wont be able to help Either, there comes a point when equipment becomes useless. But on a brighter note I had a chance to look at the remains of that reaverbot And I've got a few ideas of what it could be used for."
______Roll looks to Tron and is upset," Not to be offensive Tron but thats my job as Megaman's spotter! Right Megaman?"
______Megaman has no choice but once again to watch them bicker.
______Tron gets defensive," Oh is that right? I think he should have the right to choose between what we can do, its only fair!"
______Roll," Oh, but if you would stop butting into it he wouldn't have to! Megaman? What do you think!?"
______Megaman looks at Roll and then at Tron and then to Yuna for help." Uh, Yuna a little help?"
______As Yuna steps back tarwards the door Megaman gets the fealing that she's not going to help at all." Uh, Look at the time, Whats that Sera? Yes i'm coming! Gotta go, have fun kids!"
______Megaman," Yuna! Uh Roll, Tron... I dont think that we should really be..."
______Tron," Make your choice Megaman! Either accept my help or ignore it!"
______Roll" Thats not fair! Your just manipulating him to get what you want!"
______Tron" Like you do to get all those toys, dont lie I saw the things he gave you, stuffed dolls and toy ships! Even a pillow! You just have to admit it its not like i'm the only one to manipulate someone!"
______Roll steps back," Hey! Those were gifts that he gave me as freinds. I would never use him! This is just like Mandana Island, isnt it? You tried there and failed like you'll fail again! Right Megaman?"
______Megaman" Girls! I, I cant think! Lets just let Tron help develop weopons and Tron, Take back what you said! Its not true!"
______Tron" Beleive what you want, the truth will show itself eventually. Roll, you use him everyday and everytime he risks himself to help you or going in ruins. Admit it! You dont really do anything to help him when he really needs you! Your Weak!"
______Roll turns from Megaman and Tron," Your not fair! Tron you dont know how hard it is watching him go off into ruins again and again! I do feal helpless, and its because I am!" She runs out of the room tears flowing from her eyes as the door swings open.
______Megaman getting up and ignoring the pain as he confronts Tron," Tron! You go too far! Roll's my freind and you are too! I forgive you for all you've done and you treat Roll this way? She does her best and maybe its even better than just another digger! If you look at it She works harder that I do! The planning she goes to the weopons she makes, even the times she's failed me! She still does all she can, And for me thats enough... Were friends. Now I'll let you help and I'll forget this happened but I ask you to stop rejecting people!"
______Tron is shocked by Megaman's reaction and steps back." Megaman, I'm. I'm Sorry. I know went overboard." Tron is a little disapointed and as Megaman runs out the door she sits in the chair next to the table." Megaman.."
______Megaman finds roll by the wall looking at the trees and the Islands beyond." Roll!"
______Roll turns sobbing and looks to Megaman," I'm sorry..."
______Megaman gets to her and looks her in the eyes." Dont be, You'll always be my spotter. I know you do your best. And Roll..."
______Roll looks up at Megaman."Huh?"
______Megaman," A long time ago you said you believed in me no matter what. Well guess what. I beleive in you too. We'll always be friends."
______Roll hugs Megaman and as Tron looks and see's them together she starts crying and goes back inside." I'ts just not fair..."

[End Scene 1 Act 15]

Scene 2 Act 15: After a few hours and a good meal everyone sits with their hosts as they discuss the situation their in. The mayor of the Island, chief of police, and guildmaster of the local digging guild is there amoung Megaman, Sera, Yuna, and Roll.
______Megaman" What now? Roll's set up a becon for our friends to come and help us but what about the Island? Are you finding anything about the reaverbots attacks? Why they've started?"
______The mayor a middle aged man of tall stature and a deap voice," We have had no clues to the purpose or the reason why the reaverbots have started attacking us, I've gotten reports of similar activeitys all over the other Islands. But no reason to why."
______The Guildmaster is a woman who is tall and strong," I cant explain why they've acted up but since its just been within the last week it must be something to do with recent events. Possibly the forbidden Island expedition? What do you think?"
______Megaman turns to Yuna but its Sera who answers," I'ts probably not that however its tied in with it. But for now we should formulate a plan to search the ruins and decipher why just now its happening. Is there a map we can look at?"
______The chief of police, a young man of slim build, goes to the table in the room their in and brings back a map." Theres several ruins all over our Islands but only 3 sub ruins of major size, we have put them off limits in the past but now it seems they are the only ruins not filled with reaverbots... But what do you intend to search for? if your looking for a way to stop the reaverbots we'll gladly help."
______Roll looks at the map and sees a stricking similarity between the placements." Megaman? look here and here, doesn't this look like the placements of the ruins from kattalox? Its uncanny..."
______Both Megaman and Roll study the map.
______The mayor ponderes this and asks," What is it? Have you delt with this kind of thing before? Hmm?"
______Guildmaster," If so speak up, we need to know all we can about this as possible! Anything that could help."
______Megaman noddes and looks to the group." About a year ago on an Island called Kattalox I explored ruins like in the placement on this map, When I went into the main gate of the Island I confronted a man behind the recent activities of reaverbots and what led up to something much worse. But I stopped him before something like this could happen there. I think that there might be someone simmilar here..."
______Police cheif," A man? Was he a pirate? and this Main Gate you speak of, where was it?"
______Megaman" He wasn't a pirate, but something the ancients left behind with the ruins. And the Main gate is the only gate that you cant open, no vissable door on the outside I mean...? You have one, right?"
______Roll scans the picture before they can respond," I dont see one! Look megaman, right at the center of the Islands should be the ruin, Did anyone ever search here?" She pionts for all to see but as the mayor shakes his head she gets the fealing he knows something.
______The Mayor," thats in the middle of our shipping lanes, no ruin stands there. Could you be wrong about where it should be?"
______Yuna takes a look as does Sera. Roll shakes her head but looks again." No, thats where it should be if I remember right. Your sure theres not a ruin there?"
______Yuna steps in," Hold on Roll, If I remember right most high level security stations are sheilded, this one may be there, but under the sea! Its probably been hidden since its first opperations started up. We may have to unlock it the same way Megaman did before on Kattalox. Its just a matter of entering the sub ruins and telling the computor to unlock the Main gate of this Island."
______Sera" Once inside we can reason with the buricratic model inside and even get its assistance."
______Megaman" I dont know Sera, Megaman Juno wouldn't listen to me when I tried to stop him."
______Sera" Yes but you had lost your memory, We as units of the system can order it to listen. Or at least I can in Yuna's body."
______Now the three are clueless to Sera is saying... The mayor spaeks first however confused he is." May I inquire to what your talking about young lady? System? And Something about Yuna's body?"
______Yuna turns and decides she has to clue them in." Ok, this may seem odd but its true and we need you to listen." Yuna starts into the anceints and after a few minutes has clues them all in on the present situation.
______As the conversation lags on Megaman looks at the map again and sees that the islands are all triangular and exist within a circle of the area where the main gate should be." Hey Roll? look at this..."
______Roll looks at the map as megaman shows her the shapes and what he thinks they look like.
______Yuna finnally finnishes her part of the conversation and as the Mayor and his staff talk to each other Sera looks to Yuna." You know that this is going to be a challenge. Even If the unit agrees with me being mother it may choose to ignore my status because of the shell I'm in."
______Yuna looks at Sera." That may be the case, but then we'd just have to shut it down. Megaman can handle... Uh oh... I forgot about his injury."
______Megaman is seen trying to use his arm as Roll refits the arm cast.
______Sera," It may come down to who we can get to aid us in our time of need. Maybe these Carbons can supply the force needed to get the unit to comply."
______Yuna looks at the Guild master as she looks at the group." Possibly, I'll ask the guild master later."
______The Mayor turns to all of them and looks stern at them." I'ts hard to believe what you say Yuna, and all you bring to the table. But we recognise that you know what is happening to our Island and we axcept any help you can offord to give us. As payment for what youv'e done today and for what we hope you can do we'll supply you whith all you need. Ask for anything and we'll get it for you. But you'll still have to bargin with the local junk shop owners for any parts because even at a time like this we cant use the law to hinder someones rights. But We'll put in a good word if it will help. As for the ruins We welcome your exploring them and The guildmaster may be of assistanct to you, wont you?"
______The Guildmaster sits up in her seat and looks to them." We have trained diggers we can put at your disposal when you need to explore the ruins. But you'll only be able to take a few as the city needs them to defend. I'll also give you the keys needed to enter the ruins as they were among the first of our attempts to lock. But it doesn't help when the reaverbots can open them from the inside."
______The police chief also looks to Megaman and the others." I dont know of what help we can be but I have some officers that were retired diggers and know this Island like the back of their hands. They may be usefull to you in your hunt."
______Megaman" Thank you very much. With al;l of this support we may yet be able to turn this around, dont you think?"
______The mayor stands up as everyone gets their cue to stand." I dont know how this is going to happen, or how it will end, but I wish you luck Megaman, We put our hopes on you. Now lets ajurn for now its getting late. I suggest you all prepare before you leave for the nearest sub ruin. Its going to be hard to get there, as it is Reaverbots patroll that region of the Island. But I wish you all luck, and I wish us all luck as I fear we will need it."
______As everyone heads out Megaman looks to Sera as she pauses at the map. She has her finger on the exact spot where the ruin should have been. and the funny thing is she hadn't looked earlier when everyone had seen it. "Does she know something we dont?" As Megaman ponders this he steps out to see the moon, Elysium, in a high orbit as it reflects light onto them. It seems that even though he know knows what the shape in the sky ment, means now, He still thinks its beutiful.

(I hope its getting better... Just wait and see!)
[End Scene 2 Act 15]

Chapter 16
Trouble on the horizon.
Scene 1 Act 16: Megaman wakes to Data telling him to come outside and as Megaman does he sees a fammiliar site. The Sulpher bottum is flying tarwards them and even though its still far off He waves as Roll and everyone else does. But as the shape gets bigger something is wrong, horribly wrong.
______As her hull is on fire the sulpher bottom is surrounded by explosions big and small and when Megaman sees small shapes leaving the Island to intercept The grand ship, he looks in horrer unable to do anything for them.

______Teisel and Bon Bonne along with Von Bultcher and Barrell stand on the bridge of the sulpher bottem watching the battle rage. Servebots are on deck with guards as dredge and a few obsolete draches fly shooting down Reaverbots. It seems like the reaverbots are held back with minor damage to the ship before larger bots arrive fighting faster and stronger as the battle rages on.
______Bultcher" Were taking alot of dammage, we cant do this forever! Pilot increase speed and get us to the Island! Maybe we can lose some of these bots on the way!"
______Teisel agrees nodding and looking at the Island chain." What ever is happening is coming from that Island so if we can get there we may be able to land, Megaman should be there also, he's also our best chance of stopping this battle from continuing."
______Bon Bonn" Babuu! Babuu babu babu!"
______Teisel turns to Bon Bonne and noddes." Right, lets get out there and help! Tron left a few supplies just in case so I know she's got a gustaff in the boxes we braught. Were going to join the fight up there! Barrell, Bultcher, Good luck!"
______Barrell steps to Teisel and then stoppes." I cant believe I'm saying this but Good luck! You'll need it! Oh and Teisel!"
______Teisel catches a grenade Barrol tosses to him." Huh? Whats this?"
______Barrell explains," Its my lucky grenade! Nomatter what it takes its never exploded and I call it lucky because theres nothing wrong with its mechanics. I figure you'll need all the luck you can get!"
______Teisel" Thanks old man! I'll bring it back safe. Now Bon Bonne lets get up there! We have to do our part!" As teisel and Bon bonne head out of the room Bultcher looks to Barrell, " I never knew you had a lucky grenade..."
______Barrell" Thats because its not! But it is however busted. Nomatter what I did to it It wouldn't blow up. Think of all the times I needed it to go off but it didn't."
______Bultcher," So I guess its an unlucky bomb eh?"
______Barrell," Well if you want to get technical about it I guess so... but then again Why should I feal bad about it? If he thinks its lucky he's going to have more courage in battle. Its all fair in war."
______Bultcher," Yes but they also say that about love, so maybe its not all its cracked up to be. Anyways lets get back to buisiness. Full spped tarwards the Islands! Try to evade the reaverbots coming at us!"
______Pilot 1 responds as he turns the ship and heads at full speed. The ship lurches forward and starts to gain speed.
______Barrell turns to Bultcher and grins," I guess you spent your money wiser than I thought, this ship is really moving at quite a fast pace. We may yet survive this attack."
______Bultcher looks out the veiw screen," I wouldn't count on that! Look!"
______As more Reaverbots, a flock of insect types, fly tarwards the sulpher bottom Teisel and Bon Bonne bothe enter onto the upper deck. Teisel is in the classic Gustaff with the gatling arm attached as he starts picking his targets. Bon Bonne starts tossing reaverbots against reaverbots as the onslaught continues. But Megaman back on the first Island looks as Roll, Tron, Yuna, Data, and Sera all look in horrer.
______Tron," We have to do something! Look another group is attacking!" As Tron stares the sulpher bottom is getting closer and closer.
______Megaman turns to Tron," Tron, Roll! See if theres a ship we can use! We need to help them!"
______Roll looks at Tron with hatred." I'm sorry Megaman, but I'm nolonger going to have anything to do with Her!"
______Tron," Besides the mayor already told me they've all been sent away or destroyed during attacks. Even with Her help its useless!"
______Megaman looks back at the Sulpher bottom," Roll, con you get on a radio to Gramps?! We can have him come for us in the Flutter!"
______Roll looks at the battle," Possibly, But what if the Flutter doesn't make it here?! We could lose it and Gramps too!"
______Yuna looks at the battle," Its not hopeless yet. See, there fighting from the upper deck. And it seems that theres fewer and fewer explosions! They might make it!" As Yuna stops the sulpher bottom is just a mile away and slowing considerably.
______As Megaman and the others stare at the battle its getting closer, soon they will be able to aid their freinds and soon the battle will involve the whole city! Can they stop this battle before it consumes the entire Island? Or worse, Becomes deadly?

[End Scene 1 Act 16]

Scene 2 Act 16: As they look at the ship flying almoast over the city Megaman and the others get their gear for a difficult struggle from the skys.
______Megaman runs into the house and picks up his buster. After equiping it he heads out as the reaverbots divide their attention making it easier for the defense crews on both battle fronts.
______Roll and everyone other megaman run for cover as the servebots start helping out by maning gunnery stations and Sera starts fighting her way to a tower.
______Megaman looks up and as he sees the sulpher bottom stop to rest over half the city he gets an Idea." Roll! Get on the radio and get gramps to land the flutter, we have to take this to the air!"
______Roll heads to the main building of the city, City Hall. As she does some reaverbots swoop down at her." Megaman! help!"
______After shooting down the three after Roll he turns and stops a few more but then starts after roll to help cover her." Hang on Roll! Be there in a second!" Megaman continues to fire missing most but striking the few that fall into reach of his buster gun.
______Roll continues to run as the city hall is closer and closer within reach. After a few more close calls Megaman sees her enter the door and he takes up position in front to defend City Hall.
______Roll gets inside and sees no one but a guard at the radio talking to the sulpher bottom. Roll hears familiar voices and gets the guard to let her talk to the ship." Gramps! Its good to hear your voice!"
______Barrell," Roll! Were not in very good shape up here! Mind explaining why thes infernal Reaverbots are acting crazy like this?"
______Roll" Its a long story gramps but right now we need you to get the Flutter down here on the double! You know how to fly it right?!"
______Barrell sighs," Yes, but its been a while, why do you need the Flutter?"
______Roll," Because were taking the fight to the skys and we need to give us all the advantage we need if were going to stop this battle!"
______Barrell looks at Bultcher," Can you handle things here, Roll needs me down there.."
______Bultcher takes the microphone," Roll, I'm sending Barrell, But can you tell me what exactly your planning?"
______Barrell gets his coat from a chair but hesitates going to the door just yet.
______Roll," Were going to fly megaman and a few others into the swarms and cause some caos to help us take these Bots down."
______Barrell takes the mic again," Roll, I'm on my way where should I land?"
______Roll," City Hall, I'm here now and Megaman's coming. Oh and gramps!"
______Barrell," Yes Roll?"
______Roll," Activate the emergency booster prep system, so it will be ready when you land the Flutter."
______Barrell," Ok, but hold on down there this could get rough!" Barrell hands the mic back to Bultcher and runs, yes I said runs!, out the door. Bultcher talks to Roll once more and then focases on the battle.
______Megaman runs to the door as some more reaverbots apear out from the city streats flying low. Roll runs out to meet Megaman but before he can stop them they swoop at Roll.
______A shot comes out of nowhere and takes the bots down. As Roll stands to see Tron Tron looks at her." My way of saying sorry... Forgive me for all that crap I said?"
______Roll doesn't react much but does feintly smile and gets up to see Megaman stop at Rolls and Trons position.
______Megaman turns to the battle as they all fid cover near the door way as it blocks them from veiw." Is he coming?"
______Roll tuns to Megaman and noddes," Uh huh! Look!" As the Flutter rapidly decends the though goes through Rolls head that Gramps might be out of controll. But faithfully the Flutter slows and slides to a stop in its hover at the gate. Gramps opens the window and peers out." All aboard! cause I'm getten off! I'm going to help these people! I'vee been to this Island once before!"
______Roll pops open the hatch as everyone climbs in and Gramps hopps out. " Good luck Gramps!" Roll calls from the window.
______Barrell tuns only a second before running into the Chief of police and the guild master who saw the Flutter land." Good luck to you also Roll!"
______Megaman looks at the battle and points at the ship." Roll, lets pick up some servebots to help! I bet there fighting as it is and will be able to lend a hand!"
______Roll looks to the butten on the cosole at her right." Allright Megaman, Tron, Hold on massive acceleration boost in five, four, three, two, One, Ignite!" The flutter flys out from the ground like a bat out of hell and as a bird of prey after its target. But the boost also tosses everyone back against the wall! Roll manages to get back to the wheel in time to fly the flutter up at the sulpher bottom and over the top. " Megaman! Tell them we need all the help we can get!"
______Tron goes to the door as Megaman does and as Roll looks to her she replys," I've got buisness on this ship! Dont worry!"
______Both Megaman and Tron jump out but as Roll flys away she shouts out she'll make a pass over the ship. Teisel looks at Tron and Megaman with hope as the few get together at the center.
______Teisel," Where were you? I was getting worried!"
______Tron replys but as Megaman focases on getting a few of the servebots fighting together to help no one hears the conversation between Tron and Teisel. Teisel stops to to look at her." Dont you think its about time we call in Ragnorok, Tron?"
______Tron shakes her head." No not yet, We can handle this fight alone, besides Theyre here! There laying low but I almoast was seen by one of them."
______Teisel gets serious." Which one was it? Terresa or Carrisa? I never thought they would bve here this would spoil everything!"
______Tron" Hold it Big brother! They didn't see me and that meens they dont suspect a thing! Those two were a thorn in our side for the longest time after Kattalox but We cant jump the gun yet, remember how we lost last time?"
______Teisel noddes and turns to the battle." I guess your right. Ok, new plan! Well beat these reaverbots and somehow pit Megaman against those two untill were ready to take them down ourselves... Lets just hope were luckier than last time we ran into them. Ok, I'm going to continue in the gustaff, I suggest you unpack your other surprise Tron, If we play this right we'll surprise everyone!"
______Tron" Right Teisel! Ok, I'm going into Gelenka 1 Tell Bon bonne to follow me out!"
______Teisel" Good luck sis! Hey Bon Bonne! Execute plan Alpha!"
______Bon Bonne turns to Teisel and nodds." Babu!" As Megaman and four servebots hop into the flutter as Roll slows it down they all see the next wave aproaching. Megaman and the servebots hurry to the upper deck of the flutter as Roll lowers the tail into place. It seems the fight is getting rougher as Everyone has their own fighting to do! Even Gramps, Sera, And Yuna are stuck in town fighting back the swarms of flying reaverbots. Can they win over such odds? What could the conversation Teon and teisel mean? And one thing is for sure. The two individuals named are going to have significant meaning as they go back with the bonnes from just after Kattalox! Its getting exiting as the Eden Crisis is ushering in a new era!

[End Scene 2 Act 16]

What now you ask? Well keep reading! and if you enjoy my fan fiction write in my guest book on the index page! And also Email me and tell me what you think!

Warning, Copyright non infringement warning!

This is only a fan fiction! it is never to be published or sold or used in a way that goes against Capcoms Copyright on the Megaman series.

If anyone is offended by this i pray that they would keep it for themselvs and that they should overlook my small insignificant website and move on...