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Story taken from Megaman legends1, Misadventures of Tron Bonne, and Megaman legends 2. All great games made by Capcom!

story add on by David Hurst. This is only a fan fiction and to only be treated as such. No Illegal selling, or mass producing under capcoms legal rights to this series and story. I only wish to expand apaun this story in my own way and not to force production of a game however much I wish they would.

Chapter 3 More prelude and secret listining devices.

Scene 1 Act 3: The sulpher bottoms ready room, Von Bultchers office. Roll, Data, Gramps, Von Bultcher, and a set of security guards stand in the room except Data who sits on Bultchers desk. It is ten minutes after Data's crashlanding in Calabina Plains. Data has just ended his story on what the heck has happened over the last few days or so.

Data: " Well, thats it. Megaman, Una, And Sarah all wait on Elysium for you guys to mount a rescue mission! And I'm here to help you build the ship to get there!"

Roll sits in a chair near a table that has been put off to the side. Bultcher leans back against the wall and looks up at the ceiling while gramps sits.

Roll:" So Megaman needs us? then theirs no question, we have to help..."

Bultcher" But how? Its not like we're heading somewhere on Terra, this is farther than we as a species have ever gone before."

Data, a little ticked by the question stands on the desk and looks to everyone.

Data:" Hello, I just said it. I can help you build it! I have knowledge of ancient technology in my brain, that allows me to access whatever we'll need to get up their."

Gramps:" Data, its not that we doubt you or the knowledge you hold my little friend, its just we doubt we'll be able to construct it with what we have. But if anyone can do this it would have to be Roll here. Right?"

Roll:" I dont know."

Gramps and everybody a little shocked by her statement.

Roll:" I dont think without the manpower I could do it myself. Even the design would be difficult as it is. I just dont think I can do it.", She looks up" Sorry Megaman. I doubt i can do this..."

Back in the room reserved for the Bonnes... Teisle and Tron listen in on the conversation.

Tron:" Teisel, hear that? Its the perfect oppertunity!"

Teisel:" Yeh, but what makes you think they'll let us help with this project? Considerng our past with them...?"

Bomb Bonne:" Babuuuuuu!..."

Tron:" Easy! We have something to bring to the table!"

Teisel looks at Tron who is grinning. Teisel:" And that would be what exactly?"

Tron straitens up and points to #1 and 16 who are in the corner bouncing on the bed. Tron:" We have the manpower and I also have the mechanical skill to make something like this work!"

Teisel:" I see, but what do we get out of this, just saving Megaman isnt good enough for our time and effort. They'll suspect something!"

Tron:" Unless..."

Teisel:" Unless we demand exaclty what were after right away to lull them into a sense of security! Brilliant Tron, We might just end up winning this time if we can play our cards right..."

Tron:" See teisel, things are bound to work out this time! especially cause we will have full controll of whats happening!"

Tron listens back in on the conversation in the other room. Tron:" I think its time we made our offer big brother, they seem to be stumped at the moment."

Tron puts down the head set and stands up. Teisel:" Yes, lets make them the offer we know they cant refuse!"

Tron, Teisel and Bomb Bonne all leave the room and as they open the door to the main chamber, a surprised Roll, Data, Gramps, Bulcher and set of guards stand to see whats going on.

The two servebots shortly appear after Tron and Teisel as they stand in the room silently.

Roll:" You said you were out of the pirate game, so whats this?"

Tron walks forward and smiles innocently. Tron:" The little monkey said Megaman needed all of our help, so i'm here to help. But our help is at a cost of coarse."

Teisel looks to Gramps who has a look of mistrust on his face. Teisel:" We want to help save Megaman, is that so wrong?!"

Gramps straitens up. Gramps:" What guarantee do you give that you wont double cross us? You already plant bugs on us and have been air pirates for many years! I'ts unlikely you'd actually want to do the right thing."

Teisel puts his hands on his hips and shakes his head. Teisel:" I understand how you feel. And all I can say is that Megaman changed us. Remember Cattalox?"

Gramps:" Roll said she'd tell me later but you might as well say it now."

Teisel:" when Megaman went inside the main gate we followed him, Tron and I. Megaman met an ancient guy who didn't seem to be good. We found out that that Guy was an overseer for Cattalox Island. When he trapped Megaman we saw it and got him out. Megaman defeated Juno, that was his name, and thats all we were part of. But he changed us for the better, Megaman... The monkey should be able to tell you the rest."

Data:" Its true, They helped Megaman escap the trap when Juno told him he was going to re initialize everyone on the island. In other words, kill off every carbon on Cattalox. Tron and Teisel helped megaman before Juno could finnish the job and Megaman got their just in time to stop Juno. So I say we give them a chance!"

Bultcher:" I have no Idea what thats about but I can say this, You did help Megaman by chearing him on while he fought that Ancient reverbot... But it doesn't get you a pardon for your past crimes."

Roll stands up. Roll:" No, but it does show their not totally currupt people."

Gramps contemplates this new information.

Tron, a little unsure about how to take that last comment. Tron:" Thanks Roll. But your all forgetting the best we have to offer this expedition."

Teisel:" #1,#16, file in!"

#'s 1 and 16 get in line and sound off.

Tron:" We have the manpower to support this! Plus I am one of the best mechanics around! I can design that Rocket for this Project!"

Roll:" No, I'm not letting you work on it alone. If even I cant do this alone, neither can you, alone..."

Tron:" Fair enough."

Gramps:" What are we getting ourselves into?"

Von Bultcher:" I'd say it seems to be another adventure Barrel, you up to it?"

Gramps:" I've waited on the sidelines too long. Roll, if you need parts I'll dig for them!"

Teisel smiles and moves to Gramps.

Teisel:" No, We'll dig for them, as a group. We arn't just good at playing pirates yo'know. Before that became our lifestyle, We were diggers!"

Data:" Well then, its all settled. Lets get started!"

[end scene 1 Act 3]

Imbetween scene 1 and 2 Tron radios all servebots available to get to Calabania for preperation for the construction of the rocket. This also goeas past the first attemps and starts on the 4th try, this is the ending of ML2 and the true start of ML3 the reverbot war. Tron and Roll are at the desk deciding on how to improve the rocket to get it to work. Data stands by watching as Tron and Roll argue over plans for the next rocket.

Scene 2 Act 3: Roll disputes with Tron on the plans as Teisel comes over to check on their progress.

Teisel is seen walking over the hill to Tron and Roll as they talk of the ships design and whether or not to make the storage bay larger or smaller.

Data, getting a little frustrated,

Data:" Here! its so easy just let me show you! see you put this here and this..."

Tron and Roll:" STAY OUTTA THIS DATA!"

Data falls back and walkes away to look at Elysium, but Teisel doesnt listen to him.

Tron:" It doesnt matter! My engine has plenty of power! We cant make the bay any smaller."

Roll:" Your engine, Has to be repaired every five minutes for it to even work!"

Tron:" well excuse me little miss perfect, not everybody has the best equipment you know! We have to make do with what we have!"

Teisel:" So how are things going? The last one went higher than the rest right?"

Tron:" Yes much, but we keep running into the same problems!"

Roll:" Theres either a default in the feul lines system or the ship is too heavy... But at this rate we might never get up there."

Tron:" Hey, lets not give up yet. we still have a while and sense we still have lots of parts lets just get back to it."

Teisel:" Trons right Roll, Weve been in worse spots before and theyve come out allright! There was this time we went up against Loath, a Gambler, And a thief."

Roll:" A thief? How so?"

Teisel:" Well it ended up that he had me working digging up the remains of an ancient base or so we figure it. There was a giant refractor there and even worse, a giant reverbot! But this was more than just a normal reverbot. This was what he piloted against us. In the gesselshaft"

Roll:" That big?"

Teisel:" Yes that big, about four sizes bigger than the ship! We ended up winning and that happened only after it disabled the ship!"
Tron:" We were lucky that day, a small strike team took the whole colossos down! That was a while before Cattalox though."

Roll:" I had never heard of something like that before, you say it was huge?"

Teisel:" Yep, and because we had hope we ended up winning. So thats why we have to continue trying, that is you two have to continue... Because The Bonnes have Never given up before, and niether did Megaman"

Roll:" Well, We still have some new supplies and some funding."

Tron:"Thats the spirit! Now lets get back to work. You'know, your not that bad at this. I count you as an equal Roll"

Roll:" Is that because of the skill i have or the fact Megaman defeated you with weopons i designed?" Jokeingly.

Tron:" Well, aside from your last comment i'd say that its because even i couldn't have gotten us this far by now. Now all we have to do is..."

Teisel, with a fealing of accomplishment, leaves the two alone and heads tarwards Bomb Bonne who is helping load some of the equipment. Teisel:" Bomb, how are you holding up?"

Bomb Bonne:" Babbuuu, babu, babu babu! Babuuu..."-Translation into our words-" Fine, heavy, very heavy. but fine." Bomb sets the equipment down and sits to look up. Bomb:" Baaabuuuuu....."

Teisel, looking to Elysium, sits by Bomb Bonne. Teisel:" Yes i'm kind of worryed too. They've been up there almoast a week. I'm afraid we might never get their in time..."

Bomb:" Babu, babu babu babuuu..."-Translation-"I, I'm worryed too.." Bomb tooks over to Roll and Tron who have started to run over to them.

Teisel gets up to see whats up. Teisel:" Hey you two, whats the fuss?"

Tron:" We figured out why we havent been getting any farther!"

Roll:" We need to reach a certain Velocity before we can escape the Atmosphere and head into space!"

Teisel:" So?"

Tron:" We now can get to Megaman! We figured out all we needed was one strait burst! And then a capsule to carry the rest of the way!"

Roll:" Ittle take a while but well be able to rebuild a rocket by the end of the week with everybody working 24 hours a day and with few stops for rest! It may cost more, but we can finnaly get up there! and Save Megaman!"

Tron:" See Big brother! We can finnaly get to elysium!"

Bomb:"Babuu! Babu!"-Translation-"Yay! Finnally!"

Teisel:" Well what are we waiting for?! Lets Do this! Tron, Roll, Great job! Bomb Bonne, Lets get to it!" Teisel once again looks to elysium... Teisel:" Were coming... Megaman!" [end scene 2, act 3] { End Act 3}

Chptr 4

Meanwhile, over in Saul Kada Joe and his new wife and daughter settle into their home which has recently had the walls reconstructed. They are enjoying the summer day and all is well.

and likewise in Elysium nothing of major importance is here to through plot twists in(Never too sure though...) Matilda is starting to awaken inside Una as she tries to talk to her. filling her in on the details of the last few years of her life and of whats currently happening. Lets just sa she's not taking it too well.

Scene 1 Act 4: In Elysium, Inside Matilda's sub concsience mind as Una is starting the process of freeing her mind from its prison.

Una:" Wake up. Mrs Caskett, wake up.. Please at least acknowlege i'm getting through and your still there."

The vision around them is similar to what megaman experienced earlier when Una went inside his mind.

Matilda:" Where am I?"

Una:" Were in your mind. Please take this slowly, you've been asleep a very long time. But its time I showed you what has happened since that day."

Matilda:" That day? Wait, your that Girl..." Matilda gets a flash back, a sort of movie played from her perspective.

Una:" Yes, my name is Una. There is much I have to tell you. Much I will have to explain."

Matilda:" I was on Forbidden Island... Joe and I, We had crashed there. Our pod dammaged. I....I... Oh, My goodness, Joe collapsed as he got me out of the pod. He had flown from the pod and... And he..."

Una:" You were Dieing there and I saved you. Him too."

Matilda:" Joe, Where is he? Joe?! Joe can you hear me!?!"

Una:" I told you this might be hard... But were in your mind, not on forbidden island or anywhere tangable. Please bear with me. I know it will be hard but we must awaken your mind before more dammage is done."

Matilda:" Whats going on?"

Una:" Thats what i'm about to tel you. We are in an ancient space station. And its years after forbidden island."

Matilda:" What, Years? And where? Yoyur not making sense. At least tell me who you are."

Una:" The ruins you diggers hunt in for Refractors, I am part of that system. An android mother unit that looks over the system and takes care of it."

Matilda:" Your a reverbot?"

Una:" close enough, but i'm not here to harm anyone, I'm on your side."

Matilda:" you said years later? What have I been doing in that time, I dont remember anything except forbidden island and here."

Una:" When you were hurt on forbiiden island I tried to heal you. But as I did, I lost controll of my own body and had to Borrow yours."

Matilda:" You used my body? Then what is happening now? Where is Joe?"

Una:" He's not here. As far as I know hes still alive and on Terra..."

Matilda:" So youve Borrowed my body? And its been years and years? But why? Couldnt you have gotten another body? Where is this? And whats to become of me?"

Una:" So many questions, I dont think I can answer them all right now. But i can give you my memorys to watch as i deal with pressing buisness."
Una dissapears and a screen appears in front of Matilda who is standing.

Matilda:" Wait! Come back!"

The screen starts showing memories of before the switch of bodies and of a younger Matilda and Joe outside of the pod. they are feint and weak.

Matilda:" Joe? Where are you... And, And...Roll?" Matilda sits and as she is crying she watches Una's memories as a window into her past is opened and she wishes she and Joe had never Gone to Forbidden Island
[End scene 1 Act 4]
Roll and Tron start their tests on the new system devised to launch a pod ship into orbit and then on its propulsion to Elysium. Data finnaly gets to help as he is the only one with the knowledge they need to build this craft.
Megaman goes to talk with Una who has been silent the last few hours and he sees her wake from what seems a bad dream.

Scene 2 Act 4: Time for confessions and true nature of things.

Megaman moves to talk to Una as she sits up from her dream.
Megaman:" Good morning, or night depending on where we are in orbit."

Una:" So your finnally remembering all of the data that Your monkey installed into you?"

Megaman:" Yes, and its starting to make more sense. So, where you having a bad dream? You look very frustrated."

Una:" No. Not exactly."

Megaman:" Then what? You've been very quiet lately. Is something bothering you?"

Una:" Yes... Megaman, I havent been telling you the truth about something. Something I havent wanted anyone to know."

Megaman:" Huh? Una... What are you saying?"

Una:" Megaman, Roll's mom hasn't been in a coma. I made her mind stay dormant. And now I dont think anything I say to her will be enough."

Megaman:" But you did that for her safty as well a yours right? Shouldn't she understand?"

Una:" Thanks Megaman, for not being angry with me for lieing to you and Everybody else. But I'm afraid She's too confused and I dont know haw long I will have to explain to her my actions and reasons before she will accept them and ,,,Me..."

Megaman:" Well, I dont know what to say."

Sera, coming out of the corner, over hearing everything.
Sera:" Well, never ask a purifier to do what a Mother unit cant by herself. You need to just suppress her thoughts untill we can find you another body Una. Seriously, The Carbon will only get in the way."

Una:" Sera, Dont say that. And you know I cant do that. Once a mind is freed its dangerous to subdue it again, dangerous for the host and me!"

Sera:" I dont mean we should do it without Her consent, just tell the Carbon that you will need all of your consentratin to keep yourselves safe from harm."

Megaman:" Sera, thats not very kind. Arnt you worried in the least that Roll's mom may be hurt?"

Sera:" Trigger, Megaman... I still need time before I can start to care for these, People, But I dont want to seem as if I'm cold hearted. But we need Una at her best level of concentration to help us stop the old system!"

Una:" She's right."

Megaman:" But Una!"

Una:" I do need to be at full concentration to stop the old system. But Sera, what you dont know is that since I have released Matilda's mind I have been better that any time before!"

Sera:" True, less strain on your mind, but still, if we cant reason with her than this will mean that,"

Una:" Roll's moms mind will eventually over power mine and take controll."
Una sulks.

Megaman:" So omatter what, eventually she will get her body back and what will happen to you?"
Megaman looks into her eyes.

Sera:" Una will cease to exist."

Everyone pauses. Megaman sits by Una. Sera leans against a wall.

Sera:" So we have to find a spare unit's shell before that happens."

Una:" Yes. Luckely I know where one of my back ups is..."

Sera, surprised by Una's statement.
Sera:" What? You knew all along and never got it? But why?"

Una:" When I was outside the system I could ignore its protocalls and do as I pleased."

Megaman:" Which included Ignoring the order from Sera to give her the keys to the library!"

Sera:" If I had known that I would have been more careful before then"

Una:" It bought me time to find a way to save the Carbons. But when you went to Elysium, Sera, I didnt have time to restore my status as a mother unit at the time."

Sera:" So you came only prepared enough to help Megaman get through to the library?"

Una:" Yes. I thought he could persuade you to stop and take a look at what you were doing. I never thought you would ?Delete Gatz and Let you own systems fail. Thats when I rushed to get to you to save you at the last moment before you could shut down and you'd be lost forever."
Una looks at her Sister unit Sera.
Una:" Were the last of a Dying race. We are all thats left of The ancients. We have to now save the next race so they can be our masters and life can go on."

Megaman:" Yeh, Theres a whole world of good people down there that need our help and we cant let the mistakes that weve made hurt them. Certanly not when we have the power to stop them and save Terra!"

Sera:" I understand. Thank you Una, and Megaman, I now understand exactly how the master felt. And why he gave you his genetic code. I understand now how much the Carbons really ment to him, and now to me."

Una:" Yes. As I remember one memory that I saw when I was in your mind megaman. The master pointed out the life the Carbons lived. And how they shined brighter than the system itself. They have true happynes."

Sera:" Yes. And we have to save it. Una, Keep trying. If needed I can help you explain to Roll's mom what is happening."

Una:" Thank you Sera. Thank you very much."

Megaman:" Now all we need is Roll to rescue us! And then we can save Terra!" Megaman rises with Una as they go back to the heater and to eat as they prepare for the long and difficult task ahead of them. [End Scene 2 Act 4] { End Act 4}

So what do you think?Email me and tell me what you think!

Warning, Copywrite non infringement warning!

This is only a fan fiction! it is never to be published or sold or used in a way that goes against Capcoms Copywrite on the Megaman series.

If anyone is offended by this i pray that they would keep it for themselvs and that they should overlook my small insignificant website and move on... Back to Main