Story taken from Megaman legends1, Misadventures of Tron Bonne, and Megaman legends 2. All great games made by Capcom!
story add on by David Hurst. This is only a fan fiction and to only be treated as such. No Illegal selling, or mass producing under capcoms legal rights to this series and story. I only wish to expand apaun this story in my own way and not to force production of a game however much I wish they would.
My explanation of story timelines ive used in my MML 3 Fan fiction.
It starts with the old system. What I reffer to as Eden. Let me explain how I would have the story go.
Eden was the first try at eternal happyness by the Ancients. It was based on Terra after all the wars of their race had ended and groups of mankind gathered to live in pure happynes. However, this system had flaws and soon went under tragedys. Defences against aberent units were developed and as Terra was seen as an imperfect world, the ancients looked to the sky. So a project was developed called Elysiums Gate. Elysium, a perfect world that was to be constructed above terra, would house the rest of the Ancients as they lived out their lives in perfect harmony.
When completed, the old system rebeled against the new system and eventually had to be shut down and converted to work for the Elysium systems. Elysium, run by the Mother unit Sera, first class mother unit, first built and in total control of all Elysium and governing Terra. She was also accompanied by Yuna as they personally shut down Edens Core processor. Edens core, Built under tectonicly stable Forbidden Island plate, was the commanded by a single computer system and was vastly outdated. The battle leading to its shut down took alot of resorces but the combined power of all of Elysiums forces destroyed the mechanism keeping the computor active. Thus Eden was silenced and Elysium was set in controll. But Eden, before full shut down, implanted a virus in certain units so as they aged they would fight for Eden. So elysium kept their defences opperational as the virus spread. More humanoids turned untill a turning point when one was caught and it was revealed that very few remaining had the virus in them. This unit left behind one message as it was destroyed.
Eden will never die!
As all quieted down the Ancients decided on a way to keep Terra fertile. Thus the carbons were born unto earth. They were first incubated as the first were sent unto Terra as adults, clothed and able to speak, with the basic actions in their minds and all they needed to survive they built citys and started to prosper. Sera carried out the official buisness of Elysium as Yuna, her sister unit, took care of Terra and its systems that looked over the carbons existance and kept them in number.
Terra started again as if the past had little or no effect on it. The older ruins became areas where carbons known as diggers would search for the parts needed to support their existance. But as the Ancients started to die off the ones who still looked at their seed say something of themselves in the carbons. They saw resiliance ans happynes that they were not recieving from their perfect world.
Thats why the master, the last of the ancients looked at the carbons as if they ment more than all of Elysium. Because they did. And do. When he had megaman by his side in his later years he saw in him something that inspired him to visit Terra. The master saw the virus, a currupted version of it, in Megaman. It gave megaman one thing. Free will if unleashed. So when the master told him to destroy the system it let Megaman be free of the system. He became Trigger.
Trigger is reffered to the last of his kind. The last of the Purifiers, and the last of the Aberant units effected by the Virus. Even if the virus only played a part in Triggers free will. So megaman went on to destroy the system. As the master died Megaman held the code of his DNA, Megamans true mission was to fight Sera as Yuna decided to take a neutral standing at Forbidden Island, where it all started and will all end.
With Sera frozen and Megaman recuperating from the battle by resetting his peramiters, and Data keeping the past a secret to megaman and everyone till he needed to supply the knowledge.
"To be clear, I think all of the things that are major happen very close in time to each other. Except the Eden crisis leading up to the Masters request for megaman to his side..."
Well i hope this clears up a few ideas that will be in here. But this is a little departure from the series. I'm trying to tell what I think is a big part of the story that hasnt been written yet. And remember...!
So what do you think?Email me and tell me what you think!
Warning, Copywrite non infringement warning!
This is only a fan fiction! it is never to be published or sold or used in a way that goes against Capcoms Copywrite on the Megaman series.
If anyone is offended by this i pray that they would keep it for themselvs and that they should overlook my small insignificant website and move on...
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