
It is very apparent to most people where a person is from by the way they talk. Even people in different parts of California for example can tell if a person they are talking to is from northern Cali. or southern Cali. The usage of the word "hella" is only used by northern Californians, and not by southern Californians- it is considered very rude if you confuse the two. If a difference can be found in something as simple as two different parts of one state, then it should be applied to all other country's without hesitation. People from different places have different meanings for almost everything,for example- in England a peace sign backwards is a form of disrespecting another person. Where as in California a peace sign means respect and peaceful intentions to another person, instead of a form of flipping someone off. Another example is in the essay "Chinese Relations" by Nicholas D. Kristof, when he states that some people in China aren't given names, but numbers or phrases like "hey". In the united states, we make up nicknames to make some boring or long names more interesting or personal. The difference in culture is amazing when a comparative analysis is done,to see how many words are used for different things and how it shows what different cultures care more or less about certain things.Words are used in all cultures, they all may not sound the same or mean the same things to each of us, but the use of communication is prevalent in all places. Language is a very powerful thing to have and use for everyone, but it's the meaning that changes things for us.