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Wibbyo's blog
Tuesday, 10 May 2005
yaa yaa dam day off :S...
Mood:  don't ask
so yea... a friggen day off that was totally unexpected... not impressed but what can ya do when your in construction and the client cant make up their minds right.. oh well got lots of running around to do.... sooooo how can a song effect a person so dam much :S... that is twice i had to shut off the radio cause Lifehouse's song came on :(...YOU AND ME.... wow... very hard to understand that one... sorta like some john mayer songs... stll cant even hear those... brings back to much :S... is this really fricken normal starting to think not... signs i say signs.... cause..well i think if it wasent.... nothing would effect a person... lots of people know i have a pretty tough skin.. but there are just things that can break a person... i wont go into details but it really mess's with a persons mind :|....bla bla bla... gota stop this horse shit blabbing on... but hey it seams to be working ... gettin things out... just thinkin typing... and so on... well i must go ... run around get shit done... lots to do :S.... chow for now.....

Posted by crazy3/wibbyo at 7:22 AM EDT
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