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Wibbyo's blog
Thursday, 19 May 2005
Its show time :D hahaha
Mood:  a-ok
Well lets see.. its thursday... im about to leave for work soon.. so not much time.... what happened lately....oh yea GOT TO BE ON BREAKFAST TELIVISION hehehe... that was sooooo fun.... cant wait to do it again :P..... met some great people.... jim... mazsda i believe is how ya spell it... mario... peggy mike.. and oh i forget the other guy.. john maybe.... from South Shore group.... so yea we build a baby barn... 2 fricken hours it took... awsome... got to be in front of the camera for a bit..... to cool... nervous... not likely.. maybe i was suposed to do that shit hahaha... one never knows eh... so i am really discovering.. that i love doing this stuff.. workin with people.. helping out... what does this mean... should i pursue something in that field... "teacher"... "assistant"..."organizer"... what.... is something going to point me in the right direction... hope so soon...something has to give.... and oh yea my so called "love" life...screw it...i am just going to go with it.... stop thinkin about the stupid things i did in the past... cause been having more people tell me lately how good a person and great i am that i am going to go with that one ;).... "The Bachelor".. hahah... a lady said i should be on there .... toooooooo funny.... oh well... maybe have a S Side "The Bachelor"... hehehe.. maybe run that by peggy... well i must run... off to work again today prob gettin wet by the sounds of the weather... and tomorrow :S... crap... short week.. small pay ...what can ya do...keep your stick on the ice and shoot for the right net LMFAO... ok gettin delierous time to go... bye to anyone who actually reads this... no comments come on folks lmfao

Chow for now

Posted by crazy3/wibbyo at 5:47 AM EDT
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